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Roleplaying guide.

Started by Gleech, November 03, 2008, 02:50:40 PM

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(However, please keep reading until the end)
Three anonymous roleplayers

Three spammers who brought ARGUMENTS, and a random ROLEPLAY to this topic, being off topic! I've kept ONLY the posts that matter to me, and have locked this topic. Please CONTINUE to read, however, becuase doing this will help you with your roleplaying.

Ok i hope this helps people because the idea came to me when someone (who i wont name so no one makes fun of em) didnt know how to roleplay.

A. Starting
1. Roleplaying terms
2. Deciding where to roleplay
I. How to Roleplay
3. Making a character

B. Making a Roleplay
1. The name
2. The information
3. The story
4. The Set up

Roleplaying terms

The roleplaying terms are like 'lol' and that stuff...
OOC - Out Of Character, this is used when someone wants to talk but doesnt want it to be included on the post they're making, you can also use '()'
RP - Roleplay
RPG - Roleplaying Game
More later but i cant think of any more atm

Deciding Where to Roleplay

Deciding where to roleplay is a BIG thing you need to know. Remember what you like and you dont like about roleplaying, like my likes are: You can create your own character, you dont follow a story (you're free to make it up as you go along), a roleplay that has a good story, a roleplay that has nice people in it, and a roleplay with good rules. Now this stuff goes with what you like, and if you dont know what you like then here is what that basic newbie should go for: A roleplay that has nice people, a roleplay with good rules, a roleplay that lets you create your own character. But if you dont want to think up of a character, then look for an already made up roleplay (like you follow something that was already made up, like lets say someone has a Lord of the Rings roleplay and they just want it to be like going through the movies with all the same characters), they should have it say what characters you can have. Now remember! These roleplays may have no more spots! So this isnt always the best choice! Another type of roleplay you can join is one that they have a list of characters to base your character off, now i dont like these but they can be helpful to newbies. Another warning! This is also not a good idea because all the good characters could be taken!

How to Roleplay
1. You cant take control of other people's characters! If they didnt want you to do that you may be in big trouble and make an enemy on the site! Stick to playing your own characters!
2. Always remember, if the character is a death bringing enemy, DONT just knock them away! They're powerful and you need to respect the creator's imagination! This doesnt mean you cant hit them though.
3. Dont make your character have no weakness! It isnt fun to play with a person who always wins and cant die!
4. Stick to the roleplay! Dont spam! Unless you say, "Off topic:" or "OOC:" or something in '()'
5. You dont have to make your character die, unless you want to, just have them be beaten a few times.
6. Only use 'internet talk' (lol, jk, brb, btw, etc....) when you do '()', OOC, or Off topic.
7. Use !'s, ,'s, .'s, !'s, ?'s, etc when roleplaying.
8. If you have more than one character please either do:
Bob: YAAA!!!
James: AAAAAHHH!!!!
or, "YAAA!!!" Bob yelled. "AAAAHHHH!!!" James yelled.
So people know who is talking. Both your characters can fight eachother if you want.
9. Dont Always talk what the characters say, you can also talk in like a story mode kinda thing, not first person! (i guess it might be third person...)
10. If people dont want you to swear, please dont...
Example of the rules:

Person 1: Bob attacked Jake with his sword.
(using rule 1 there, he isnt taking over, but he is mentioning the other persons name)
Person 2: Bob missed Jake because Jake jumped away.
(This can also be used! But dont use stuff like this all the time or it wont be fun!)
Person 1: Bob noticed that Jake dodged his attack and Attacked again.
Person 2: Jake got hit and fell to the ground.
(rules 3 and 5)
Person 1: "Hmph..." Bob said. "You aren't good enough to fight me..."
(rule 8 )
Person 2: "Oh yeah?" Jake said as he hit Bob's legs.
(rule 1, not controlling the character! Also rule 7...)
Person 1: Bob fell to the ground and said, "Hmm... you still can fight? Then lets fight some more!"
(rules 3 and 5 again... also 9 i guess...)
Person 2: Jake felt scared to continue the fight but did.
(rules 9 and 2, he talked in like a story kinda thing... he also was scared and didnt push his enemy away to the side because Bob is evil and could kill him)
Person 1: OOC: lol this'll be good!
(rules 4 and 6)
Person 2: (yeah lol)
(rules 4 and 6 again)
Person 3: Larry: Yaaaa!!!
               He yelled as he ran up
(rules 8, also make that little thing where if you use it like this, press enter to make another row for another person to talk or to put an action like i did)

And thats the end of that.... Now if you have any other questions on this part please PM me or ask here...

Making a character

Now to make a character follow these things and fill them out (other roleplays may need different information)

Name (the characters name):
*Age (not always needed for sonic roleplays):
Side (good, evil...):
Gender (Male, Female):
Species (for sonic roleplays mostly but if you have an animal character than thats a different story):
Look (What they look like):
Personality (not always needed but should be used):
*History (not always needed):
*Power(s)(Used mostly for sonic roleplays):
And set it up like this (but without my stuff... you can also delete stuff that are marked with *)

Name: Arrow
Side: Good
Gender: Male
Species: Hedgehog
Look: Purpleish, blue with red lines on his hair and one giant red arrow on his forehead
Personality: a friendly hedgehog
*Power(s): Speed

So there you have it.

Making a Roleplay
The name
When you make a roleplay by yourself you need to think of a name for it. It should fit the storyline somehow and not be crazy.

The information
Some roleplays may need you to go on something like wiki to look up stuff, or you may need to have information on NPCs (non-playable characters) like if you had a sonic roleplay and didnt want anyone playing like tails, then you'd put tails' information up...

The Story
Make up your own story for the beginning of the roleplay and for what the roleplay is about

The setup
Please make your roleplay so that no one can play people like Sonic, Tails, and all unless you want people to act out something (make those characters NPCs if you dont wanna act out things, and remember NPCs can ONLY be played by the maker of the roleplay). Also include one of these but customized to fit your roleplay (add things to it or delete things from it):
Name (the characters name):
*Age (not always needed for sonic roleplays):

Side (good, evil...):
Gender (Male, Female):
Species (for sonic roleplays mostly but if you have an animal character than thats a different story):
Look (What they look like):
Personality (not always needed but should be used):
*History (not always needed):
*Power(s)(Used mostly for sonic roleplays):

remember to include something to tell people what they dont need but can do, like i did with the *

Also remember to make rules for your roleplay, otherwise people might do things you dont want them to do...

And there you go, you now know how to make and be in a roleplay, sorry the making the roleplay part wasnt that good, i was getting bored :/

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


wow i cant believe that someone didnt know how to roleplay


yeah... but thats why i made this :D

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Wow I can tell this took a lot of time, +1


yeah took me about an hour and a half XD

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!



yay ty :D
rofl just noiticed a typo... isnt that how it always is? XD You type a long message and then find typos all over the place XD

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Ohwow, I was actually thinking on writing one of these!
Nice work!


lol thanks :D i was sooo worried what you would think draco XD (no really i was, when i saw you were viewing this i was like freaking out XD)

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Haha, yeah.  But seriously, you don't have to freak.  Everyone has their own style.

I love the part about no weaknesses.  That's what really pisses me off in a roleplay.  Gary-Stu and Mary-Sue characters.


Dark Tails

darkness shadow

nice, i wonder what the next story will be on all out mixture, the 1 that's goin won't last forever
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Hmm, some people seem to be a little confused on what i ment by 'History' because some arent using it right, but what i ment was to use the history section for like, what made you character become, whatever, or what happened to your character before the roleplay and why they came. Also if you want to add a family section thats fine, its just that most sonic RPs have characters with no family...

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


+2 karma cuz u did such effort for us dummy guys XD!! Youre going straight to Hell, I mean heaven.
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^


Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!