15 year old hedgehog, RETIRING???

Started by chet, January 06, 2009, 05:28:23 PM

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Quote from: SSWB on June 26, 2009, 09:21:36 AM
Sonic is going back up so LONG LIVE SONIC
I think the games that nintendo and sega are making like SSBB are A LOT better. SEGA should really somehow share copyright of sonic with nintendo and keep making games together if that is not what they already did.


Will the Hedgehog

*snif* I remember when Sonic Adventure DX came out...DON'T DIE SONIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


they should make a 2d, old fashioned game like megaman did with megaman 9, maybe sonic the hedgehog 4 or something
nothing to see here


I hate when people rated S&MaTOG badly because of sonic. If it was MaTOG, it'd be a 8/10 or higher. Since sonic was included, and with a couple of bad games before, critics instantly assumed "this game is terrible and gets a 2/10", but becuase mario was in it, they had to make it up a few noches. I hate how critics these day go by the word of the past, and don't just rate for how it is. If they did, games like SU, S&TSR, S&MaTOG, and S&TBK could be rated fairly and not by "this game isn't like the classic, it sucks" but yet somehow the don't rate mario that way, why? becuase they stuck to one idea the whole way through and didn't change anything but 2-D/3-D and were the game is (space, castle, the world itself, etc.)

Sonic shouldn't retire, and critics need to get a freaking grip already, franchises change, and it doesn't mean it's bad.

Sig made by ShadowsofSilver

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Quote from: ChaosMaster on August 20, 2009, 04:01:53 AM
"this game isn't like the classic, it sucks" but yet somehow the don't rate mario that way, why? becuase they stuck to one idea the whole way through and didn't change anything but 2-D/3-D and were the game is (space, castle, the world itself, etc.)
and notice how they rated Super Mario Sunshine bad for being different from the classics
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: chets mix on January 06, 2009, 05:28:23 PM
special thanks to nIghtmare and proto_blaze for the articles

15 Year old hedgehog

   In the past decade, sonic the hedgehog has lost most of his popularity. Ever since sonic adventure 2, there has been no "good" sonic game. Sega's little blue mascot has spent his time in forgotin video game boxes because sega took things out of hand, like a car spinning out of control and crashing. Sonic fans every where are crying "WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS?!?" (yes even me.) recent sonic games have gotten very bad scores on there review.

A quote from yahoo.com:

"Remember when Sonic was awesome? Neither do we. We're not sure what's more puzzling -- the fact that they keep making terrible Sonic games, or the fact that Sega keeps using the tired blue blur as its official mascot. Other than the recent role-playing game Sonic Chronicles, there hasn't been a truly fun Sonic game in about a decade. That's about nine years too long. Speed kills."

Why are they so mean???

Whats more, cnet said this about sonic.

"In the next week, a new Sonic game, called Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood will hit store shelves for the Nintendo DS. Some are anxiously waiting for the title to be released, while many don't care all that much. Why is that? Probably because Silent Hill: Homecoming will be released during the same week and, well, Sonic has lost his stride over the past decade.

Practically any poll you search for on the Web about the most popular video game characters will say that Mario is tops. In fact, a recent survey in Japan [Google translation warning] returned similar results showing Mario as the popular game character in the country, followed closely by other big names like Cloud from the Final Fantasy series and Yoshi.

Other surveys feature Sonic in the Top 10 -- usually around the middle area -- and the vast majority of people I surveyed on my Twitter page agreed with the public: Sonic isn't the best video game character of all-time, but he's certainly up there.

So what happened to Sonic? A decade ago, the blue hedgehog was at the top of his game and battling it out with Mario for the top-spot as the world's most popular video game character. Since then, even though he has been featured in a number of titles, his popularity has dropped significantly and his money-making potential has fallen with it.

All the while, stalwarts like Mario and Link have clung to the top spots with nary a drop in popularity.

During the heyday of the Sega Genesis, I can still remember the fights that would break out over whether Sonic or Mario was better. The Sega fanboys would support their mascot until the end and the Nintendo fanboys would do the same for their plumber. Little did we know that that really was the beginning of the end.

As soon as the Nintendo 64 hit store shelves and Mario become the centerpiece of the 3D platforming world, Sonic's decline started. Sega couldn't muster a real competitor and its own desire for speed trumped its necessity for fun and exciting platforming gameplay.

In the meantime, Sega itself was declining at a rapid rate and its blunders is ostracizing developers and retailers turned the company into pariah. And as Nintendo continued its charge as the de facto leader in innovative gameplay, Sega and Sonic were left out in the cold.

Finally, with the release of the Sega Dreamcast, Sega made an effort in the platforming space and released Sonic Adventure, which, to this day, is still one of my favorite games to play when I'm bored. But alas, it was too late and the once-proud Sonic was forced to endure as his creators bailed out of the hardware business in favor of software.

Sure, it wasn't long ago that Sega dropped out of the hardware business, but it really has been a long time since Sonic was on-par with Mario. In fact, I'd say that Sonic hasn't been considered an equal to Mario for at least a decade. During that time, all the kids that stayed true to Sonic have moved on, grown up, and found gaming love in titles like Halo and Gears of War. And all the younger kids who don't remember the days of Nintendo-Sega fighting only know and love one major player in the space: Mario. Sonic games are relegated to the bargain bin for these children.

And perhaps that's why few people are getting excited about the latest and greatest Sonic game. The people that once cared are too old to get excited about Sonic anymore and the younger people who should be getting excited barely care he exists. They would be much happier playing the latest Mario title or checking out any of the other major franchises in the industry.

I still look back at the old days when Sonic was at the top as some of the greatest days in gaming. It was a time when derivative gameplay was the exception, not the rule. And it was a time when gaming didn't have to be about sexy women or killing prostitutes to be fun. It was a time when gaming was real and it was unique.

And unfortunately, it's becoming clearer by the day that Sonic, a stalwart of that time, is dying of old age with each sub-par title from Sega trying to revive the old hedgehog.

Thanks for the good times, Sonic. We loved every minute of them."

   It seems now that Sega has run out of chances. But in march 2009; a last resort game will be coming out. Sonic and the black night will be the second installment in the storybook series. Perhaps this time, fans will be checking the rating before buying the game. BUT, from the game play style; it looks like sonic may jumping into the ranks again like Mario jumping on goombas.

    Nowadays, it's no reason why shadow seems so... emo. In addition to that, Mario seems to have some kind of invincibility shield. In 2008, Mario and sonic at the Olympic games sold 10 million copies worldwide. The game scored very badly. No matter HOW many gold metals sonic won in the game, the ultimate loser, was, (you guessed it.) sonic. Sonic the hedgehog was pulled even lower in the ranks, while Mario stayed tops.

For now, lets just pray for sonic, for god knows WHAT will happen to him. Lets hope he will stay where he should be, on television screens, making fans happy saving the world. There is nothing wrong with Mario though. However, it seems they have temporarly stopped making Mario games. Lets hope sega takes advantage of mario's nap. Just like in the turtle and the hare...


:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Sonic Is Not Going To Retire . He Still Has His Good moments. Okay Sonic Heroes Was Not That Good But Sonic Unleashed Got Sonic Back Up To Date So He Is Not Going To Retire.He Was Good In Secret Rings And Great To Me In Black Knight.


Sonic will never give in to DEFEAT!!!!!!


i think that a sa3 could bring back the franchise..

cuz the 2 previous games were epic!
Hedgehog (definition): an animal who hoards all the bushes.


Quote from: WeaselBandit on October 04, 2009, 10:44:58 AM
i think that a sa3 could bring back the franchise..

cuz the 2 previous games were epic!
sonic 06 is sa3 but whitout the chao garden and the japanese name of sonic unleashed was sonic world adventure


Quote from: shadic the ultimate on October 08, 2009, 09:57:23 AM
sonic 06 is sa3 but whitout the chao garden and the japanese name of sonic unleashed was sonic world adventure

Why does Japan always get the epic versions of game covers?
Sig attempt #7!

I am the Knight of Bright Blue Test Tube Sentient Beings! In your Face!
a-lad wuz here :P


Quote from: SonicFan47 on October 08, 2009, 11:11:28 AM
Why does Japan always get the epic versions of game covers?
then you should see the jap cover of sonic and the black knight

take this:


Quote from: shadic the ultimate on October 09, 2009, 09:26:21 AM
then you should see the jap cover of sonic and the black knight

take this:

...I'm not sure which one I like more.
Sig attempt #7!

I am the Knight of Bright Blue Test Tube Sentient Beings! In your Face!
a-lad wuz here :P


Quote from: shadic the ultimate on October 09, 2009, 09:26:21 AM
then you should see the jap cover of sonic and the black knight

take this:

aww no fair,
why didn't they just leave the cover alone for the English version?
Hedgehog (definition): an animal who hoards all the bushes.


Quote from: SonicFan47 on October 08, 2009, 11:11:28 AM
Why does Japan always get the epic versions of game covers?
Cause they made it
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Windlessusher on October 09, 2009, 04:13:07 PM
Cause they made it
and becuse they love tomake us suffer so they can say:"oh yeah nwe are so great because we make the games so you canĀ“t have the true  cover of OUR games"

and i hate them because of that