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Started by HereAndThere, August 29, 2009, 07:07:43 PM

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Quote from: Skyle369 on June 18, 2010, 09:16:58 PM
Uber Badass GreyFox Like Ninja Raiden <3
I'm pretty sure you meant that. -shot-


Fuuuuuuuuu-Where are all the posts I did this year!?
Neeeeeeeeeein D=
Well fuck...Guess I'll just forget about those and make another one:
I haven't been able to play on my PS3 for a while...'Cause my parents are bitching that I'm playing too much...
And I beat InFAMOUS in 2 days, got over 50% of every collectible in it...And now I'm getting the second one.
My computer can't run Minecraft anymore, 'cause Minecraft is too epic for it and my computer is a shoebox, so yeah...Goodbye Minecraft.
I'm also bored of everything right now...I'm only interested in getting CoTD and playing the living motherfucking shit out of it...And then I'll be bored again...Oh and I started making a playthroughish video series and the first game I'm gonna playthrough is Kh1, I'm waiting to get more views on the 3 videos I got up 3-5 days ago and then I'll make another 3 vids and do the same thing.
My Jewtube channel is:
www. youtube .com/user/superjeexx?feature=mhee


Quote from: jeexx on June 12, 2011, 07:50:16 PM
Fuuuuuuuuu-Where are all the posts I did this year!?
You probably know by now, but we went back in time to March 13th of this year. E3 hasn't happened yet, you're still in school and I'm still a virgin. :P

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


I need something to do, I'm bored as fuck, I'm tired, I'm trying to come up with something original and I want to learn how to program a VGE.
As I stated above, I need something to do and I'm bored as fuck, 'cause I'm bored of playing shitty games like CoD...And that's where me wanting to program a VGE comes in, I want to try to make an actually good game, but I'm not thinking of making a huge fucking BC2 like masterpiece...I'm aiming to start small, like making a 3D Beat 'Em Up of some sort...But w/e, I'm just rambling about how I'm bored of my life and so on, but now to me complaining about how I've somewhat died on the forum.
Anyone remember when I used to post like, a 100 posts everyday? Back when I joined? No? Then you weren't around back then, so fuck you! But now to actually talk about it. I'm thinking of either trying to become an active piece of shit again or just die off completely and come on every 2 months to check how the site has changed, but I'm still debating on which one to do...Sooo yeah, now to STFU and post this piece of shit.


Guess what? I'm completely high right now! Or am I...Idk, but w/e
Soooo, life's been kinda boring right now, I've only been sleeping, playing games and coming here to talk about random shit...Yeah, fun...Soooo did I mention that my computer can't run Minecraft? Yeah, it's a shoebox that's hooked up to the internet, I'm pro. huh? I need something to do...I'd even fucking RP, just 'cause I'm that bored! I'm sick of playing CoD and other games like that..I'm glad I bought Truxton a couple days back. Truxton>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CoD.
Soo yeah, that's pretty much all I've been doing...Playing Truxton and complaining about how bored I am .-.
Life's great...


Guess what? I've been laughing my ass off for a while now.
I've been laughing at MGS3 and this thing I got on MSN, oh and I've also been pissed 'cause I can't play on meh PS3 >:I
Life's been good for the past 2 days, I've been bored, but still. life's good.
I'm thinking of doing some vids today...Buuuut, I know I'm not going to get any views, so I don't think I'll be doing any videos...So yeah.
That's all, life's good, I'm bored and I've been trying make a person admit that she wasn't serious.


...Y U No Online Woman?

Okaaaay, to start things off, I'll be complainig about how I'm all out of money and shit, K? No? Fine...Fags...
I got Persona 3 two days ago! Yaaaaay! I haven't played it much though, 'cause I thought I'd kick things off by playing it with my friend and discussing the story and shit, buuuuut I can't ask him to come over, thanks to random things that have been going on for the past couple of months. Okay, so I beat Persona 4 (Almost done with it a second time now.) I beat MGS3, I got Shangri-La, I'm pumped for Rezurrection and I'm waiting for this bitch to get on, so that she can give me that hug!
Sooo yeah...Oh and I'm trying to find out of emotions feel, 'cause I can only feel 3 of them and those are:
Hate, Anger, Sadness.
So yeah...And no I'm not emo, I'm just a random guy, who is a waste of flesh.
Now to change the subject:
I've been having problems lately, my mental state is getting worse, my social life is non-existant, I think I should tell this one thing to this one person, etc...Yeah, life's shit.
And if you read this whole thing, then congrats.
I'll hide a link of some sort into this post, just for fun. Lies.


Time wasting at its finest.

Don't you just love the feeling of getting a game you've been waiting for a while?
Like, the you've seen all the teasers, gameplays and all that shit, but when you get the game...It's complette shit.
This happened to me...I got to play Mw3 3 days ago and I was disappointed by how annoying it was.
It wasn't anything like they said...No commando my ass, I fucking lunged through three guys and knifed the dude behind them...
The snipers are too powerful, just like they were in Mw1.
And there are so many OP guns that I came.
Double Unfair Deaths all the way across the sky...
But well, that is enough bitching for today.
Overall, the game was not worth it...


Quote from: Jeexx on November 13, 2011, 06:53:09 AM
Time wasting at its finest.

Don't you just love the feeling of getting a game you've been waiting for a while?
Like, the you've seen all the teasers, gameplays and all that shit, but when you get the game...It's complette shit.
This happened to me...I got to play Mw3 3 days ago and I was disappointed by how annoying it was.
It wasn't anything like they said...No commando my ass, I fucking lunged through three guys and knifed the dude behind them...
The snipers are too powerful, just like they were in Mw1.
And there are so many OP guns that I came.
Double Unfair Deaths all the way across the sky...
But well, that is enough bitching for today.
Overall, the game was not worth it...
You mean to say you were actually hoping for a good game?


Quote from: Riko Sapphire on November 13, 2011, 08:14:45 AM
You mean to say you were actually hoping for a good game?
No, I was hoping for a game that would be a great stress relief just like Mw1 was...
But I got my hopes of for nothing.
It's just a game where the Pros survive and everyone else dies...
It has no room for the average player.


I wonder why the fuck I still have this thing...I should lock it :3 -shot-

Been feelin' all depressededed and loneleh for a while now...Feel horrible, like an ass, and like I should just shut up, cause no one cares about what I have to say...Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
But well, I've been playing a bit of Persona 4 lately and been drawing as well.
Nothing amazingly different...I also watched Kiss X Sis yesterday.
Got pretty bored, so thought I'd check it out, 'cause I saw the intro in my recommended section of Youtube...
I liked it, VeryVeryMuch.
Also, I'm only missing one more Scott Pilgrim book.
Scott Pilgrim Vol. 6: Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour...Just need 7€ for it...But I have to wait for this week to be over so I can get it, dammit >:c
Also, I need to find something to watch...I'd love to watch some new anime, but I can't think of anything...And I don't want it to be something like DBZ, cause I really don't like that type of shit anymore...I do like DBZ though, always have, always will.
But enough of me rambling...Time to find someone to annoy...
Thank you for your time :3


KissXSis is great.
If you're looking for new Anime.. I could recommend some that I've recently watched or are watching?
Shinryaku! Ika Musume is great, relatively recent. There's two 12-episode seasons out and I think there might be more on the way. I also recently got around to watching the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and I'm liking it so far too- in fact the movie was fantastic and the reason I decided to pick it up.
That's all I have for now.. by the way, people do care about what you have to say.


Quote from: Iris Sapphire on January 30, 2012, 04:28:54 AM
KissXSis is great.
If you're looking for new Anime.. I could recommend some that I've recently watched or are watching?
Shinryaku! Ika Musume is great, relatively recent. There's two 12-episode seasons out and I think there might be more on the way. I also recently got around to watching the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and I'm liking it so far too- in fact the movie was fantastic and the reason I decided to pick it up.
That's all I have for now.. by the way, people do care about what you have to say.
I've been debating on watching Haruhi for a while now...But right now I'm watching Code Geass actually.
Thinkin' of watching Haruhi after this though...And that...Squid Girl anime? I don't think I'd like it...
And no one cares, dammit >:c


I think you'd enjoy Haruhi. I also think you'd enjoy Ika Musume. The only reasons I suggested them. After all, none of my suggestions have failed you~


Quote from: Iris Sapphire on January 30, 2012, 06:33:03 AM
I think you'd enjoy Haruhi. I also think you'd enjoy Ika Musume. The only reasons I suggested them. After all, none of my suggestions have failed you~
Well, that's true, but there still might be a day when they do.