What's your most painful moment?

Started by Jordan teh Echidna, August 12, 2009, 10:46:02 PM

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ouch Shadic, pain city...

I once stepped on a needle... on bare feet... That was painful
All your bass are belong to me


When I get a freaky Headache,


When hit spots of my Hands or Feet (Fingers).


Hiking in some woods in Ohio, fell down a hill, landed in a river, hit a nest of ground bees, had to climb back up said hill with ground bees in pursuit, hospital, transfusion, bedridden for two weeks. not fun.

I think it strengthened my immune system tho, also, not afraid of bees anymore.
maybe owning a hive has something to do with it.


I tried to jump a 540 degree jump form 5 meters and landed flat on my belly lol:D


My brother was playing with a staple gun and accidentally shot me 6 FRIGGIN TIMES IN THE BACK!!!
Expert spriter at ur service :p
I also write fanfiction :p
And draw fan art :p
And hack SSBB brawl -shot-


I got my finger trapped between the gears of an exercise bike (I think I already told you guys this on some other thread?)

I jumped off the dresser a lot and manage to cut off a piece of my toe

I jumped into my bed and hit my head on a dung bell (It was under some clothing.)

I fell down the stairs while I was inside a crate.

I fell down the stairs this time I hit the wall, the crate came after and hit me in the face.

I was walking out of the kitchen ready to go to my grandparents home for Father's Day. While I was walking away I had my arm strech out and I wasn't looking where I going. WHAM! Right into the fan. The fan had no cover and I only had minor scratches.

I slipped on a coat hanger and manage to dislocate my hip, I had to get two surgeries. One they put a screw in there and two the screw was coming loose so they put a plate on it.

I think that it for now as I can remember.


When I got hit br a car last year riding home from school. Hurt like Hell, probably nothing compared to losing a leg, but still painful none the less.



Is this pyhsical painful or mentally painful?
Mental painful:When my best freind betrayed me.
Pyhsichal:I dunno...A  kick in the nuts I guess...


Too much mental / emotional BS to list, however as far as physical goes
Everyday is my most painful moment, I have RSD, and have had it since I was 10. I'll have it for the rest of my life- and as far as the pain levels?

"CRPS/RSDS pain is ranked as the most painful form of chronic pain that exists today and is ranked on the McGILL Pain Index at a whopping 42!"

yeah. =P.


My most painful moment was when I broke up with my ex-girlfriend. It wasnt that we broke up, it was that she slapped me and kicked me in the ankle after.


I broke my arm when I was 5. Nuff said.


I broke my FACE once. Had to get stitches. OWWWWW.


I had an abscess tonsil, and they had to drain it with a syringe. Worst memory ever.