Sonic Games I Think Deserves Remakes

Started by SmashFinale, March 23, 2015, 01:59:00 AM

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I've wanted to make this topic for a while now but always forgot to or didnt have time to do so. Anyways, this topic will show you a list of Sonic games that need a remake, retconning, or re-release for newer audiences. There will be more details under the games i mention.

Sonic Heroes
I'm going to be the first to say that I did not enjoy Sonic Heroes very much. That being said I still think this game needs an HD re-release so people can know where a lot of current Sonic the Hedgehog music comes from. Seriously, there is always something Sonic Heroes related in current Sonic games and it would be nice to show them where it originated from.

Sonic Riders
Not a great Sonic game mind you but still something i would love to see be re-released on current hardware (God knows the PC version needs an upgrade). Show people where the Babylon Rouges first met Sonic and the gang and why they have such an intense rivalry. Reminder: re-release, not remake.

Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
This game was rather controversial for fans of the franchise. It was either a love-hate relationship you had with the game due the the controls and especially the music. I personally loved the game and its story that mixed together all of Sonic history, from the comic books to the T.V. shows while being compelling. This game needs to be remade for the 3DS with the options of a standard type of play or the original settings. Maybe if they sell enough copies they can hire someone to finish that cliffhanger we were left with at the end.... Dammit EA  :'(

Sonic The Hedgehog 2006
We all know the story behind this game. Just retconn it, Sega. Trust me and retconn it. And allow for an actual development cycle to finish instead of rushing it for the holiday market. Just do that, Sega.

Sonic Free Riders
The Kinect-Only features turned many players away from this game. Just re-release a version with no motion controls, fully animated cutscenes, and updated local and online multiplayer and it will be fine.

Sonic Generations 3DS
Keep the gameplay, change the story. Change the maps. That's all. Make the maps represent portable Sonic games. No freaking Biolizard even though his remade song was excellent along with Big Arm's orgasmic music. Seriously, make Metal Sonic race Sonic at Sunset Park. Make Shadow race Sonic at Battle Highway (which... honestly isn't that different from Radical Highway, is it?) Make Silver race Sonic in.... i forget the level from Sonic Rivals BUT DO IT DAMMIT!

I'll probably update this list later but for now this is what i have to mention. Any Sonic games you want reintroduced?


Personally, I'd rather just another crack at a Sonic RPG and leave Dark Brotherhood alone.
Y'know, be another thing like how Mario and Luigi RPGS are different from the Paper Mario RPGs.

Also I just want another Sonic Riders, just don't take anything from Free Riders, please.
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Most of these suggestions are more re-releases than remakes, Elija2. Of course, that's what you want to happen to Jet Set Radio, right?


And I disagree
Like how I disagree that some of these games are bad.

opinions, crazy right?
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Popular opinion also says Portal is a good game, and that only got one sequel.
Those are mutually exclusive issues sir.

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Popular opinion says Sam and Max is a great franchise, yet it has no ports nor remakes
Popular opinion doesn't like DMC:Devil May Cry, but that's getting a port.
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Quote from: Elija2 on March 23, 2015, 11:48:50 AM
I'm not saying that every good game gets a port or remake, I'm saying that very few bad games get them (and why would you want them to?).
Because we liked them, and we wish to share that with this current generation.

Whether it be cause we found something special, or genuinely found it to be a good game, re-releases and remakes give them another shot at finding an audience

Even more so now than ever since neither PS4 nor Xbone are backwards compatible
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If that's what Smash wants, that's what he wants.
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Why do people hate Chronicles again? I assume it was the controls but that's all i can think of the game negatively. I mean fuck it didnt get many bad review scores, it barely went yellow bar on MetaCritic. I really just don't see any REAL problems with the game besides controls. Like is the story bad? The the formula bad? Are the RPG elements bad? It all seems like extremely petty bitching from people.


Quote from: Elija2 on March 23, 2015, 02:34:34 PM
It's just a very mediocre RPG with famously terrible music. Also I think it ended on a cliffhanger that will never get resolved.
I dont see the mediocracy. then again, RPGs are usually snorefest to me. And yeah, the music was bad, play without it. You never mentioned what Sonic games you what sonic games you want remade. I guess none.


Quote from: Elija2 on March 23, 2015, 02:50:23 PM
None, really. I guess if that Sonic 3 Remastered thing happens that would be pretty cool, but other than that there aren't any good Sonic games that haven't already been ported to HD platforms. Maybe a Sonic Battle remake would be pretty cool?
DAMN, THAT WAS THE GAME I FOR- oh wait. Wii U Virtual Console. Nevermind. Pretty sure all Sonic GBA games will be on the Virtual Console.
Btw, Final Fantasy Fourteen was a bad game that got remade. And Sonic The Fighters.


Quote from: SmashFinale on March 23, 2015, 02:29:13 PM
Why do people hate Chronicles again? I assume it was the controls but that's all i can think of the game negatively. I mean fuck it didnt get many bad review scores, it barely went yellow bar on MetaCritic. I really just don't see any REAL problems with the game besides controls. Like is the story bad? The the formula bad? Are the RPG elements bad? It all seems like extremely petty bitching from people.
I'll tell you why I hated Sonic Chronicles
-limited currency. You can only get rings on the fields and they don't respond, I think that's really dumb design.
-All or nothing special moves. If you mess up even once with any special move, it just fails, the enemy gets a free pass and you just wasted meter. It's not on a scale of Bad->good->great, you either get it or you don't, that may be fine for you, but I hated it.
-The music is terrible. Why should I play this RPG with terrible music when I can play this other RPG with good music?
-Moving around. simply going from point A-B on the map felt like a chore to do, whether it be I couldn't get used to the running speed or what, and moving around on the map is what you're going to be doing for a good part of the game, so it became something I had to put up with.
-It looked ugly.
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Quote from: Elija2 on March 23, 2015, 03:33:06 PM
I doubt it. Very few third parties care about Virtual Console on Wii U.

FFXIV is an MMO. And Sonic The Fighters isn't bad.
A BAD mmo. And i can replace Sonic The Fighters with Devil May Cry 2.


Quote from: Elija2 on May 10, 2015, 02:23:54 PM
And the only reason DMC2 got an HD rerelease is because it was part of an HD collection of the first three DMC games.
That's not a guarantee
Budokai 2 didn't get a re-release in the Dragonball Z Budokai HD collection because "noone likes Budokai 2"

And they got backlash for it cause, surprise, some people did like Budokai 2.  
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Personally, I've always wanted a Sonic Advance 3 Remake, then again that's just me. I doubt that many other people even knew about that game. Also Sonic's Gameworld could make a nice little comeback as an iPad game for little kids.
"When life gives you lemons, make orange juice, and let everyone else try and figure out how the hell you did it."


I never liked Sonic Riders because I was never able to play it right (I was a kid when I first played it). Then I played it recently, and I thought, "Hey, this isn't bad at all!". My point is, I think some games that are bad on the popular opinion deserve a second chance to show their full potential as a fun game


I'd honestly love a Sonic Classic Compilation on the next-gen consoles, as there still isn't an official release on the PS4 / XBO (except if you have PSNow, but that's just a stream of 4 PS3 games). I'd happily pay like £40 for all the Megadrive and Gamegear games, with possibly games like Sonic the Fighters, Sonic 3D Saturn and Sonic R. Why? Because i find the older games have more replay value for some reason.

Hell, i'd even pay £10 a single MasterSystem game alone, i'm that desperate to play Sonic on my PS4. I'm sure it would sell well too, as there's a real lack of retro games for the next-gen consoles.
David Macfarlane


Quote from: plwc96 on November 01, 2015, 08:53:37 AM
I never liked Sonic Riders because I was never able to play it right (I was a kid when I first played it). Then I played it recently, and I thought, "Hey, this isn't bad at all!". My point is, I think some games that are bad on the popular opinion deserve a second chance to show their full potential as a fun game
My point exactly. Look what happened with Final Fantasy XVII and Diablo III.