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Turn Based and Action JRPGs

Started by Hakudamashi, January 16, 2014, 09:03:01 AM

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You mean like turn based strategy RPGs like Fire Emblem?
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Sure. There are a lot, try to name them all.

You'll be here for a while... if more people used these subgenres or multiple-genres in their searches for new games to like they'd be better off than going "I want a new JRPG"


But what if by "New JRPG" they're specifically talking about a lengthy story focused game with a levelling system that looks like anime(not cartoon) where the main character is his/her own person and not you?
And thus, don't care if it's action or turn based, strategy or shooter?
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What if it was made by a western developer?

Next question please.

besides a lot of games could fall under that description and still be COMPLETELY different, thus giving them no relation at all.

And there you go using the Anime vs Cartoon thing again. Pathetic.


Quote from: Tana on February 03, 2014, 10:32:16 AM
What if it was made by a western developer?
Th-That doesn't answer my question... I'm asking in which direction would you point them? If we can come up for some other word for this other than JRPG, I think that'd be great.

Quote from: Tana on February 03, 2014, 10:32:16 AM
besides a lot of games could fall under that description and still be COMPLETELY different, thus giving them no relation at all.
If there are alot of games that fall under that description... how are they unrelated?

Quote from: Tana on February 03, 2014, 10:32:16 AM
And there you go using the Anime vs Cartoon thing again. Pathetic.
Alright, instead of "anime" since you apparently hate that word soo much, I'll say video game with an art style that cannot be seen in real life where the characters are overly expressive and disproportionate but look close enough to a real human that it is possible to imagine them real, and the main characters have weird crazy hair styles and have big wide round eyes and small lips.

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I think it's a lot better to not fall into the stereotype territory and instead judge games by what they should be judged by, mechanics and story. (Example of mechanic, shooter, turn based, etc... example of story.. drama, horror, mystery.. etc)

The reason they are related is because as you said, they involve an exaggerated, semi-realistic artstyle, involve a character that isn't you, a levelling system, and have a significant length and engaging story.

But.. exactly what is it? A Shooter? A Beat-em up? Strategy? Adventure?

Those features can be part of many games.

-Developed Character

I mean what is this game? Final Fantasy Or Borderlands? And in the end, will you like it, just because it contains those features, regardless of what kind of game it is?

So yeah, let's say you don't care if it's Action, strategy or shooter. Can't you just then observe what the game looks like rather than putting it under a false "genre" that will then go ahead and confuse those who actually do care?

And then in the circumstance "JRPG" is used, like Kyo said, it then brings expectations and alienates anything not within those expectations, it becomes not only a false genre but also a non-inclusive one. If "Anime" style RPGs are JRPGs as you say, then what is a game like Dark Souls? is it not Japanese?

it means suddenly games that contain next to identical gameplay or mechanics can suddenly be turned into different genres set apart from each other because of their style or country of origin, and games that are mechanically completely different can be part of the same genre just because of how they are structured.
That's the whole issue here.  People truly believe that games from one or the other culture /MUST/ be how they are, and they can never be different, because of this false categorisation.

Likewise, anyone who wants to look for a specific game may end up finding games completely different to what they want because of false categorisation. It hurts expectation, it hurts growth, and it hurts the end user in many ways, more than it helps them.


I think I see the problem here.
In this discussion, you're talking about soley the video game part of the video game, whereas I'm trying tho factor everything.

I understand being up in arms about this JRPG vs. WRPG thing because by the end of the end of the day, all the RPGs generally play alike between levelling up and stuff.

What I'm trying to get at, is the problem of finding similar things among the video games other than the underlying core mechanics, like, back in my
Quote from: Hakudamashi on February 03, 2014, 08:19:35 AM
Arlight then, why don't you come up with a better acronym then?

How would you distinguish between them then?

Someone who doesn't like Elder Scrolls, but likes Persona? Doesn't like Mass Effect, but likes Ni No Kuni?, Doesn't like Dragon Age, but likes Final Fantasy?

Call them Realistic RPGs and Anime RPGs?
Example, I've met legit people who don't play some games, or watch some movies for that matter cause they commonly "look a way" that they don't like.

I.E. What I was trying to get at was that I wanted some way to address these "JRPGs" and "WRPGs" when they specific thing they're talking about is that one uses the art style they like. Because I know it's not tied down to wherever you live, just look at Kappa Mikey or Dragon's Dogma.
Sorry for the confusion...

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Ok, ok. I see all of this and JUST to leave this here I'd like to just say my viewpoint and input. I really don't think games should be categorized based upon origin. I mean sure, I do admit that most RPGs I tend to enjoy come from Japan, and, share an anime-esque style of art. But in the end I think altogether a game is just a game. I mean, I agree with what Kyo and Tana say about subcategories. I just think in the end, a game should just be known more for itself than based upon general guidelines of similar games. Not sure if I was very clear, but I hope you guys kinda get the gist of what I'm saying.


I'm not talking about basing games in categories so that they can be met with some prejudice, I'm talking about putting similar games in categories so that they'll be easier to find.

And thus I'm asking if you want to abolish "JRPG" cause the concept of "being made in Japan" putting it in it's own genre screams bullshit to you, which it rightfully should, what then can we call them?
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So what you're saying is to ignore the art style entirely and don't include it in the genre naming?
Cause I know some people who'd disagree with you.
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I-I thought we already got past that I agreed the country part should be dropped...
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Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on February 04, 2014, 08:43:45 AM
Do you want it to be called Anime RPG? Because that'd make even less sense.
That'd be like... calling of Call of Duty a 'Blockbuster FPS'
Is this a bad time to tell you people do that?
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Well, unless you build a human extermination machine, these kinda people are here to stay.
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Quote from: Hakudamashi on February 04, 2014, 10:22:47 AM
Well, unless you build a human extermination machine, these kinda people are here to stay.
I believe those are called Gas Chambers.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Does it have a "People I don't like" filter?
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