Xbox 360 Gamertags (Post them here!)

Started by tobi, September 01, 2008, 02:11:48 PM

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if you have one send me a friend request my GT is "Naruto ninja EX" if I don't add you its because awhile back my stepdad build my mom a computer and switch the connections over to her and I haven't been able to get on ever since :(but when I get on I'll be sure to add you :) P.S. I'll be getting my 360 back soon so add me if you can :) UPDATED:my new GT is "ShadowFangEX1" :)



Okay, for those of you who don't know what a gamertag is, it's your name on Xbox LIVE.  (XD  I only know this because of my friend)

I don't have one, but when and if I ever get a 360 and LIVE, I'll post mine.


what are u looking at! lol jk :)


mine is m09868.... but i havnt used it in a year so i dont know if it still works



Gmaertag doesn't the ps 3 have that as well

Townhome GT


my freinds is gotenks3roks

the only game he has is halo though

\pretty sad considering he has the hugest house ever




Ryan22557, i will change it soon though becuase Ryan isnt my name.



Mine is Race4Him (not like i play on live very much XD)

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


mah gama tag coolguy667 XD

Post Merge: February 01, 2009, 10:24:30 AM

oops i put my wrong one



mines xoshaow3 (no d) and sonic unleashed, halo 3, call of duty 4-5, and gears of war 2 are a few games that i have. im on about 2-3 days a week.


GUYS, I made a topic like this, and this one had a MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGOR Bump. Oct. 25 to Jan 25? What the heck. ::)

The Meph's back in da hawz



minez Eduardo man  I actually go on pretty frequantly   ;D


LameHyperSonic100. Im thinking of that name, dont got 360 or live yet.

Thx gleech

Thx Mikey


m13k1313 thats mine. Play me in Sonic The Hedgehog 06!



i play halo 3 all the time


Oh. And play me in halo 3 when i get live and a 360.

Thx gleech

Thx Mikey

Ashes Darkmare

Gamertag: Ashes Darkmare

I play alot of Phantasy Star Universe, and other games I have including Left 4 Dead



Feel free to add me, but I'll only accept an invite if I know you in some way, so tell me who you are from the forums, K? I'm usually playing Halo 3, but I'll play Rockband 2 or CoD World at War every now and again. BTW, I have cleared maps for download on my Halo 3 FileShare. Download them if you wanna make a stage quicker.



Thx gleech

Thx Mikey


Agreed. I think we have ourselves a spammer.

demon super sonic

mine is khawbaf 22 play me in call of duty 5 street fighter4 or halo wars


Mine is NVR HaD NO L1F3. Yeah im in a clan. I RULE IN GOW2= Gears Of War 2. ANd cod4 and cod waw. i play hard and expert in ghwt which is awesome. I have a LOT of games. Liekover 20. Feel free to add.

dark rouge

mine is "my arsh" but my membership ran out and i got the red ring of death but ill still be able to add when i get it fixed


Ouch the red ring of death? I got my xbox in 2008 with the indiana jones and kung fu panda. I remember playing my xbox for a whole day and no overheating or ring of death =D

dark rouge

i found away to make it work without the towel method
you just leave it on  for 20 minutes turn it off then turn it on again and it works but you have to do this everytime you want to play so im going to send to get it fixed


ooh i've seen that method on youtube actually. But my cousin's tried it and they told me it works for a period of time idk i cant remember.


Quote from: SonicFiend87 on June 14, 2009, 12:55:40 PM
Mine is NVR HaD NO L1F3. Yeah im in a clan. I RULE IN GOW2= Gears Of War 2. ANd cod4 and cod waw. i play hard and expert in ghwt which is awesome. I have a LOT of games. Liekover 20. Feel free to add.
Please don't bump.




Buy an Xbox 360 console. Then you get internet connection with a wireless router or the xbox live wireless adapter or whatever. Make your gamertag with whatever name you want. Then you would get a free 1 month membership. THen after that there is a choice to get a 1 month gold membership, 3 months, and 12 months. I would give you more details but i do not want to =D



I play alot of UFC and just some other different stuff


' I'm the best at what i do but what i do isn't very nice' wolverine


UPDATE ON GT: My new gamertag is BXSlayer44.


My gamertag was once SnookyDaPothead...those were the good days :C

Now it's PenguinDuster94.