[3DS] Star Fox 64: 3D

Started by Tanassy, July 18, 2013, 03:09:30 PM

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Okay so to celebrate me getting this forum added (Thanks John!), I'm going to copy over my little review from an old thread, just to get it settled! This was written back in 2011, around September when this game came out. On my birthday, in fact!


The Gameplay

When we think 'remake', we always know that the purpose is to make an ageing gaming experience a little more fresh, while keeping the concept intact. Some games might mess around with what was wrong and try to fix it, others might just get a graphical overhaul. Heck, some don't even need to be fixed, and are just ported in HD. Now we all know the saying "If it aint broke, don't fix it". Well Nintendo have really taken that into account, unlike so many others.

The gameplay is completely intact, and unchanged. In fact, there is a "N64 Mode" control setting in the game which essentially plays exactly like the classic, and holds it's challenge. But here's the cool thing- they've also added a new, optional control scheme for the 3DS. The new control scheme makes it a little easier to fly using the new control layout, with simple things such as using the D-pad for U-Turns and somersaults, down and up respectively (as opposed to Brake+up or Boost+up, which I'll admit, get annoying on the small circle pad). There is even an option to use the "Gyro controls", which means you can tilt your system to fly. Before you think "That's just a gimmick" well, it really isn't. It will require you to turn your 3D off to see properly, but the fantastic thing is- it feels great, and it's a fresh new way to play Star Fox. The downside I'd say is that opposed to using the circle pad it's very challenging.

One thing I found just a tad bit frustrating is that the L and R buttons are a little hard to double-tap quickly sometimes. Which makes barrel-rolling a little more fiddly.

The Graphics

The graphics in this game are great. In fact, I had alot of "wow!" moments while playing in 3D that I just cannot describe.

The graphical update over the original is huge. They've ripped apart and re-built the graphics engine, getting rid of that flat, blocky low res look and oversaturation of fog, Giving a really realistic, yet Star Fox-y feel.
The textures are clean, the models are greatly improved and more intricately detailed, the characters are well developed, and the effects are more impressive. Explosions look great.
This is the best graphical overhaul I've seen before in comparison to it's source.

The HUD is largely unaltered, but the entire (wide!) screen is now dedicated to the gameplay, with character dialogue being shown- accompanied by awesome new character portraits- on the bottom screen. Speaking of Dialogue...

The Sounds

Here's the part that Nintendo took no chances messing around with. You can imagine, with Voices and sound being one of the things that made SF64 so goddamn popular, that it's a very iffy area to change. Now it's just even better- The voices are completely redone and mostly by the same voice actors that were used back then, too. They've even added a few new pieces of dialogue, so the voicing isn't too repetitive. But, most importantly- it's still the same magnificent moment when you first hear "Do a barrel roll!".  (Or not)

The music has also been completely redone. it's the same tracks- heck, most of them haven't been so much as "changed" much, but the first thing you'll notice is that the quality has been greatly improved, and properly orchestrated. In fact, I'd so much as say it's just gotten better. While there are some things I miss about the old soundtrack- especially that multiplayer battle theme I loved so much- It's still really great.

And all the rest..

There's a few little extra bits that make this remake that much more fantastic. For example, you can now save your progress at any point in the game, and resume later, rather than having to play the whole game at once every time you boot the game. There is also a totally new mode- Score attack- which allows you to choose any stage you've been to in the story at least once, and go for a high score. There's even new medal challenges which will test your skills massively, leading to great replay value.

Then there's the little things. Training mode now has a "test course" which allows you to test your skills in a small obstacle course to get used to the controls. And there's also a control test screen similar to the one in the original Star Fox, which will let you pick the right way to play for you, and test your controls as you tweak them. (This screen will appear before you start the game for the first time, and every time you enter multiplayer mode)


Maybe the only "disappointment" in this game is in the multiplayer. But it's not huge. There's no online, which sucks, but you only need one card to play with up to 3 other people, and can even play against computer-controlled pilots. There's no ability to use Landmasters or go on foot anymore, though.
One nifty feature is that Local multiplayer will use the camera on the 3DS, so you can see your opponents reactions to being shot down, or shooting you down. The downside? The images follow the players everywhere they go, not only does it get in the way, but it makes hiding from opponents impossible. It's not something to write home about.

If Star Fox 64 was perfect, then this is above perfect. The downsides come off as nitpicks, with the multiplayer being the only true change I don't agree with.

This game is absolutely worth buying, 100% completing and leaving in your collection. It has aged incredibly well and still stands as a masterpiece Shoot-em up to fans.



Hot damn, this is the first review that has actually convinced me to consider buying this (since my N64 cartridge still works.)

Thank you for a properly written review that actually informed me on concerns I had, and aspects I care about.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!



Shit, I might just go buy this then. Good review C:



Good review but, and this is just my opinion, I hate a 100 point scale for ratings. It's too arbitrary. Like, is there a difference between a 95 and a 94? I prefer 5 or 10 point scales without decimals. With a 3 being average for a 5 point scale and 5 being average for a 10 point scale. But that's nothing against your review itself. Nice work.


I wanted to use it because I think that some features can be not necessarily important but still knock the rating, so it becomes a matter of say.. half a point, or a part of a point. And I don't like using a 10-point scale because I don't like using decimals e.g 9.5. So the only option left was a 100-point scale, and it works for me.

25 would be awful, 50 would be average - 75 would be "Buy it", 95 would be Masterpiece.

I can understand your issue but when I review I look at every little thing and adjust the rating accordingly. I can't round up or down.

Sorry ^^;


Or you could try a "Rent It/Buy It/F*ck It" approach?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Nah, that seems.. a bit too simple.