Started by TobiTheGoodGirl, September 30, 2010, 03:41:19 PM

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This was made with my lovely sisterwifey in mind, a roleplay of random.

I'm using Rhaoz, and we all know her so nyehehe


Rhaoz quietly peered into the dark room, and rolled in, diving behind a couch.


K so. I be using Koki.

So Koki was conveniently behind the couch, looking for a quarter. And of course, his natural reaction was to squeal as high-pitched as he could.


"FFFFFFFF-!!!" the brunette managed to sputter, falling back onto her ass.


And of course that only made Koki cover his head with his arms and squeal even louder.


At the sound of squealing and squeaking, Rhaoz said slowly "You sound like a guinea pig."


Prolly not gonna be active, and this is the only topic I'll RP in.
joined in as Ellexi-

"What the crap..?" Ellexi said, "You two sound like you're having guinea pig abuse!"

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"Don't be? Why're you so skiddish anyways?" Rhaoz huffed, sitting up onto her knees and dusting her backside off.


"Hmm?" Ellexi said.. confused. "Why are you calling yourself skiddish? I've seen worse," Ellexi announced

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Jazz Nova

I'll use Jazz.

Jazz is in the house next door playing music. And ALL the neighbors can hear him.
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


"I'm not skittish." Koki frowned, even though he didn't have the slightest clue what skittish even meant. He could only assume the worst, of course.


"I can read your mind. I don't know what skittish means too," Ellexi smirked

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
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"Yes really," Ellexi said, stressed out to death.

offtopic: someone make a turning point where it's all epic.

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Jazz Nova

Jazz realized through some obscure means that there was one house that wasn't playing attention to his music. He then went over there, crowbar in hand, and knocked on the door.
Very Hard.
Hard enough to put a dent in it.
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


"WHAT THE EFFIN' CRAP ARE YOU DOING!?!??!!??!" Ellexi screamed and alarmed by Jazz's appearance.

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
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Rhaoz got up, grabbed her favorite wooden spoon, and went and answered the door.


"Please don't answer it! Please don't!" Ellexi wished

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Koki's natural instinct was to dive underneath a table and cower in fear.


Ellexi sighed. "Jazzy, stop it!!" I yelled then carrying him down with Ellexi's favorite song,Own Little World.

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Jazz Nova

Jazz's band was somehow at the front door front door all set up and started playing "Hell Yeah" (by Zebrahead) as soon as Rhaoz opened the door.
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
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I shall be joining in as Val but teh human version since I has no good human version pic of her up idk XD)

Val peered in the house and jumped in the open window scurrying under the bed laughing like a tard


"Why do I even bother seeing Jazz beat the living craspz out of them," Ellexi thought, jumping on a tree listening to hard rock music and headbanging like a retarded emo.

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"OOOOHHHH I LOVE THIS BAND~" Rhaoz cheered, singing along with a huge grin.

Jazz Nova

Jazz and his band finished playing "hell Yeah" and started playing "Mental Health" by Zebrahead.
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


The girl just about had a fan-girl moment when her favorite song by them started playing, but she contained her inner fangirl and went with just singing along.


Val crawled out of the bed as soon as she saw Rhaoz was distracted then ran towards her glomping Rhaoz


Rhaoz was tackled to the ground and she began giggling happily. "Vallyyddeeaaaar~"


"errrrrrrrrrrrrr o.ø, TOBI WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Ellexi questioned.

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"Loveleh Tobiii" Val grinned and cuddled Tobi cheerfully


"Nevermind... I'll just go and relax a bit.. I guess," Ellexi sighed, riding her skateboard to her unpretty black house with that infamous white skull admired with a red and white rose in Gothwing Road.

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i see tacos and sing the taco song

Jazz Nova

Jazz's band finished playing and then the band poofed out and 2 TV's that each had a 360 and Halo Reach appeared.
"Reach anyone?"
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


"Meh, go ask Gleech-y" Ellexi said. "I'll go and find Jkid..."

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
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Tomorrow is canceled due to lack of interest :P


Quote from: xenobolt on November 28, 2010, 03:56:54 PM

Quote from: xKáyáh'sCátpirèty on October 17, 2010, 06:50:20 PM
"Meh, go ask Gleech-y" Ellexi said. "I'll go and find Jkid..."
Ellexi found Jkid at a table in a park. "OHAIDUDECOMERIGHTEHRE" she yelled from across the table

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
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"!" Rhaoz cheered, gently shrugging Val off and racing over.


Val watched as Rhaoz ran off, quickly following her, and not knowing where she was running to since she had not payed much attention.


-randomly falls from the sky and hits the ground- oooooooow....


"Holy crap. are you okay?" Ellexi ran over to Rockout..

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(ohai there. I'll be playing a drunk fatass named Bob for the sake of randomness. And his redneck friend Joe :P )
Bob snapped awake after Jazz's band finished their song. He reached for the alarm clock and hit the button about 12 times until he realized he didn't even set the alarm. "YOU DAMN KIDS AND YOUR ROCK N ROLL!" He yelled after opening the window. He hopped out of bed and went to grab a beer. He opened the fridge and found no beers. "Joe" He said "Where the hell are my beers?!" He yelled? "Joe? Joe? Time to wake up buttercup! He yelled. All he heard was the sound of water leaking out of the roof from last night's party. He yelled one last time. "COME OUT YOU RED NECK PIECE OF GARBAGE!" From that point, he gave up. "Goddammit Joe why the hell do you have to get high and and go to God knows where every night?" He said as he walked out his door painted with horse sperm from many parties ago.


..."Who the fuck..?"

Ellexi ran over Rockout to poke Bob's fatass stomach.


Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.
