Das rite..im bored..and this topic should be funny so..NYEH
"are you a parking ticket cause you have fine written? all
over you"
"I think I need some ice over here, 'cause this one's hot!"
"I've seemed to have lost my number, can I borrow yours?"
Classic one. :3
"I just ate some Skittles. Wanna tastes the rainbow?"
"I like your hat"
"hey u! ya u--- not u! u! ya! can i borrow five bucks?"
"you make my floppy disk become a hard drive"
"u put da cream in my donuts"
"My dick just died, can I bury it in your ass?"
"i lost my momma."
Quote from: Rendel The Wolf on January 27, 2010, 03:55:29 PM
"My dick just died, can I bury it in your ass?"
Are you a [insert your synonym for prostitute here] 'cause your blowing my mind. ::)
"Are you a hurricane? cuz your blown me away" mines better
NERD "You turn my software into hardware"
"Yo, the word of today is legs, come to my place and spred the word"
"I seem to have lost my house keys. Mined if I say over at your place?"
'' if you were a bugger, I'd always pick my nose'' (guess where I got this)
"saveing all the flopy data in your hardrive now" something random that happens in bed lol
"Wanna see my hard drive? It's got alot of RAM, and it's not floppy"
"I want you inside of me."
Straight to the point.
"What has 47 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk? My zipper."
I used this one once and got smiled at. xD
"r u shadow?"
"If i was a watermelon, would you eat me up and spit out my seed?"
"U!!!!! y u!!!!! u r.....a human!!!!!!! *gasp*
"Will you go out with me?"
*sips coke*
Coke!!!! (drinks all da coke) aaaahh........here u can have da can.
"if i could stop time i would be with you every second"
wtf i cant think of a good one
"There, it's dead, and now i shall teach you of French Kissing."
"do u know CPR becuz u made my stop"
"Do you work at UPS? 'Cause i'm sure you were just checking out my packages."
"why is it that every time i look in ur eyes i can see myself in there"
" how about today, I Rendel/Shube your wolf?"
i remember when that was like..a talked about thing lol
"u need.......ketchup"
"is god missing an angel? cause i think i just found it."
"Are you a Scientist?
Because I'm in-lab with you"
By me, get it??? ;D
"If I was able to re-arrange the alphabet... I'd put "I" next to "U"."
"Hey you got something on your breasts, my eyes."
Quote from: Leviathan on January 28, 2010, 09:59:18 AM
"What has 47 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk? My zipper."
I used this one once and got smiled at. xD
WTF? i dunno any of these "pick-up" lines 'cuz 'm only 11. i might as well remember these though. *predicts own future* on second thought, probably not.
Quote from: Skyle369 on January 29, 2010, 03:26:08 PM
"Are you a Scientist?
Because I'm in-lab with you"
By me, get it??? ;D
no. "Well hello shadow!" what?!
"Ever ridden a bull?I'd like to show you."
You'll get a blowjob every time.
Your new name should be candy, cause you're so sweet.
Quote from: Shadico on February 01, 2010, 12:17:55 PM
You'll get a blowjob every time.
that counts as illegal rape
Quote from: Rendel The Wolf on January 29, 2010, 02:59:48 PM
"is god missing an angel? cause i think i just found it."
damn, that's a good one
"I heard you like to pole volt(or however you spell it), want me to show you my pole?"
Quote from: Rendel The Wolf on February 01, 2010, 01:36:02 PM
"I heard you like to pole volt(or however you spell it), want me to show you my pole?"
wow....thats cheesy
''If you were life, I would never die''
Quote from: RainbowBeautyRocks on January 31, 2010, 06:59:49 AM
no. "Well hello shadow!" what?!
And thats not even a picup line dumbass...
Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on January 30, 2010, 04:53:44 PM
WTF? i dunno any of these "pick-up" lines 'cuz 'm only 11. i might as well remember these though. *predicts own future* on second thought, probably not.
Lol dude trust me, you don't WANT to know what most of these mean...
Sadly, I know what most of them mean @_@
Half of these aren't pick-up lines. They're things that can get you slapped and arrested for saying to a girl with sanity. If they work, the girl has no life. :-\
Quote from: Gleech on February 03, 2010, 06:34:19 AM
Lol dude trust me, you don't WANT to know what most of these mean...
Sadly, I know what most of them mean @_@
I knew what these ment when I was 10. O-o
Quote from: EchidnaPower on February 03, 2010, 06:44:40 AM
Half of these aren't pick-up lines. They're things that can get you slapped and arrested for saying to a girl with sanity. If they work, the girl has no life. :-\
Then most girls these days have no life, since I can see a lot of girls falling for some of these lines... @_@;
Quote from: Gleech on February 03, 2010, 07:12:45 AM
Then most girls these days have no life, since I can see a lot of girls falling for some of these lines... @_@;
I can see alll girls of this generation falling for sleazier ones.
Quote from: ChaosDazer on February 03, 2010, 07:13:39 AM
I can see alll girls of this generation falling for sleazier ones.
Exactly what I ment @_@
I think girls these days like only ugly *******s, I was nice to a girl 5 whole months, and she didn't like me at all, she even got a boyfriend, but I'm not mad, everyone is what who is
Lol this was'nt supposed to be serious xD just jokeful, but m'kay..have your talk..i know what you all mean..i do..8D for some reason lots of girls are talking to me. by lots i mean like..12.
Quote from: Rendel The Wolf on February 03, 2010, 01:31:34 PM
Lol this was'nt supposed to be serious xD just jokeful, but m'kay..have your talk..i know what you all mean..i do..8D for some reason lots of girls are talking to me. by lots i mean like..12.
i wish i didnt have 12 girls after me...oh thats right i have 18 girls after me....and im dating someone so imma keep my grounds and stay faithful :DDDD
I've wanted a gf since I was 5 and something tells me if I listen to you guys I an't ever going to get a girl to like me. xD
There are 0 girls who have a crush on me and i've already accepted the cold fact that that's the way it'll stay. :(
Quote from: jkid101094 on February 03, 2010, 01:49:25 PM
I've wanted a gf since I was 5 and something tells me if I listen to you guys I an't ever going to get a girl to like me. xD
There are 0 girls who have a crush on me and i've already accepted the cold fact that that's the way it'll stay. :(
jkid it will happen in time ok u just have to keep being urself
or do what i did and change urself
lololololol i was a good boy then i became emo and i got like 6 girl's phone numbers X_X
then kelsie asked me for help and it happened from there
ugh! u ppl are sexiest im a girl u no!!!
Quote from: RainbowBeautyRocks on February 03, 2010, 03:52:23 PM
ugh! u ppl are sexiest im a girl u no!!!
I'm sexest....but against my own gender. :P
I'm not sexest. but sometime 8D i like to be random. m'kay? girls are epic..i mean like that one time sara drew a dragon on my arm and stuff 8D
Quote from: RainbowBeautyRocks on February 03, 2010, 03:52:23 PM
ugh! u ppl are sexiest im a girl u no!!!
yesh we know that Rainbow
and we are just tryin to have fun
this proves a point that guys should never be left unsupervised....with connection to the ineternet >.>
"Screw you, and the homeless people sleeping under your breasts!' LOL George Lopez quote
Quote from: HMS7 on February 04, 2010, 05:51:40 AM
yesh we know that Rainbow
and we are just tryin to have fun
this proves a point that guys should never be left unsupervised....with connection to the ineternet >.>
Oh shut up.