Sonic Zone

GENERAL => Members Center => Notices => Topic started by: xSalashawty on October 15, 2010, 02:21:58 PM

Title: San Diego~
Post by: xSalashawty on October 15, 2010, 02:21:58 PM
Going there for a reunion, my Mom's... classmate reunion.
Gonna be gone tomorrow Saturday, I'm not sure how long, no longer than Monday though. If it ends up overnight, and if for some reason I don't use the cp while I'm there, You'll always know where I'll be. kthxbye. I'm actually stressed though, cause usually if there isn't any other kids that I;m interested with playing with, or if they just keep talking 24/7, then I'll be sitting at their pool lonely. I hope this will be good. I wish it was Seattle though ):
So now you know. :) Good Weekends to you. (