So I had this discussion, apperantly we havent had one of, go ahead.
Hugs always seem like nothing to me, I hate them sometimes.
-This is a serious topic, despite its section location, you dont HAVE to post here if you dont want to-
I'm not understanding you, by the op I can't tell if this is serious or not.
Quote from: NazoUN on August 20, 2012, 07:30:54 PM
I'm not understanding you, by the op I can't tell if this is serious or not.
I dont know what op means.
and yes, this is a serious topic, despite its sectioning
Quote from: Miles The Hedgehawk on August 20, 2012, 07:33:03 PM
I dont know what op means.
and yes, this is a serious topic, despite its sectioning
It means Original Post/Original Poster.
Psshhh, I've already done my recent confession to Nazo and "da crew", and well, wasn't that fun? C:
Another one, hmm...
I killed a man :D
I've only told Salas this. It was kiiiiind of indirect, but I blame myself.
You guys don't want to hear the things I haven't even told Draco.
Quote from: jkid101094 on August 21, 2012, 04:01:15 AM
You guys don't want to hear the things I haven't even told Draco.
Pssshhh, I doubt they could be as bad as some of the things I've done :3
Quote from: Jordan teh Echidna on August 21, 2012, 05:23:41 AM
Pssshhh, I doubt they could be as bad as some of the things I've done :3
I'm sure they aren't.
Quote from: jkid101094 on August 21, 2012, 05:59:51 AM
I'm sure they aren't.
C'mon, cccoommee on, you know you want to tell uncle jordan :3 <3
Quote from: Jordan teh Echidna on August 21, 2012, 06:08:39 AM
C'mon, cccoommee on, you know you want to tell uncle jordan :3 <3
No, not really. *shot*
I hate when people say women are better than men
Is that a big enough confession?
Quote from: windlessusher on August 22, 2012, 02:03:32 PM
I hate when people say women are better than men
Is that a big enough confession?
When I walk, I tend to talk to myself, inside and outside of school.
Whenever i play a video game, if there is music i like playing in a stage im on i will start singing lyrics of my own accord to the beat of the song. My best friend constantly asks how i keep making up my own lyrics. I just say "cant you hear it in the song itself? That's how i make my own words."
I get jealous of people extremely easily.
Quote from: Ghirahim on August 24, 2012, 06:59:54 AM
I get jealous of people extremely easily.
-has one of those expensive awesome looking expert cameras with replacable lenses n' shit-
I really do care what people think about me.
I hate South Park.
I only get bored because loneliness.
Popularity is actually a matter of importance to me. I want people to like me, and when people don't like me (unless I hate them, anyways), it seriously kills my esteem a bit.
Due to my waifu, I took up running.
Quote from: Ghirahim on August 24, 2012, 02:25:39 PM
Popularity is actually a matter of importance to me. I want people to like me, and when people don't like me (unless I hate them, anyways), it seriously kills my esteem a bit.
Relating to this.
I guess I kind of wouldn't be the slightly more cocky person I am now hadn't I become popular, but that came about from the wrong reasons xD
Well, first there was this really nice guy who calmed me down after I raged at my teacher in 2005 about not being able to watch the rest of the super mario brothers movie "I loved it back then".
I became his friend, but then later on, and now, he changed alot. He smokes a lot, thinks he's black and changed his career aspect of being an Architect to nothing. He's still a nice guy, so after he got a girlfriend, I went up to him and made a joke, she heard it, called her friends (Trust me, she is incredibly nice, she even plays pokemon! A popular person playing pokemon?!) and I made them laugh unintentionally.
So then after that I got known as the clown of the school, but a lot of people respect me, and would be willing to help.
Just from luck I guess.