Sonic Zone

GENERAL => Members Center => Notices => Topic started by: Super Sonic Boom on June 08, 2009, 05:19:08 AM

Title: Super Sonic Boom ~ Going In and Out
Post by: Super Sonic Boom on June 08, 2009, 05:19:08 AM
Hey people, I just want to say my relatives are coming down from Pennsylvania on June 13 around 10:30 PM (LOL) and will be here for a week. What does this mean to me...well between June 13-20 I will be hanging out with my relatives locally but I may not be on the forums that much. I am NOT GOING AWAY and I may be on as often as many times as I usually come on, I do not know yet and I just wanted to get that out to people...5 days in advance! I just do not want people to freek out and think I am dead if I am not on everyday. ;)

This topic will be locked on June 20 or June 21! That is if I remember to...or one of the moderator or administrators do for me. ::)
Title: Re: Super Sonic Boom ~ Going In and Out
Post by: Super Sonic Boom on June 19, 2009, 02:33:40 PM
I am back...