What Should he wear?
Option 1: Regular Old Sonic
votes: 5
Option 2: His SA2 Shoes
votes: 8
Option 3: His Sonic Riders Shoes and Shades
votes: 12
I choose Sonic Riders Style.
I say SA2 but sonic riders are pretty good as well
i say sonic riders style because hes shoes are awsome
I like the one from Sonic Riders
I like his sa2 shoes
i say sonic riders
Sonic Riders style. It's so epic!
You mean what he will wear in the next game? I really have no idea but I'll pick Sonic riders style.
Sonic Riders gear all the way, all of 'em , except amy.
Quote from: Free Style on July 03, 2009, 06:15:35 PM
You mean what he will wear in the next game? I really have no idea but I'll pick Sonic riders style.
Yep, kinda.
It would be cool to see Sonic Running in Sonic Riders Style in Sonic Unleashed.
I wonder what he looks like in a werehog form in SR Style ;D.
I choose Sonic rider style!! Its so EPIC!! His shades and his Shoes!! Woah!! :D :D
sa2 shoes
I liked him in sonic rider style. his SA2 shoes were pretty cool also. ;D
i know it's not in the poll but other
If there was SA2 option I would say SA2 because of Sonic's PSO clothes
I would probably change the colors though
i say sa2 shoes
His MJ rip-off shoes
I say sonic riders, but I like SA2 as well.
sonic riders outfit ftw! ;D
Sonic Riders Or Good Ol' Sonic.
Sonic Riders Shoes and Shades