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Small community..?

Started by Craats, November 30, 2009, 08:00:44 AM

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Quote from: Craats on November 30, 2009, 08:03:40 AM
Allright, just my little question, this is an american forum?
Cause im in europe..
Mostly americans :P


I'm in Australia so while you lot are asleep I am awake etc. :P Also we have our summers when you northerns get winter. ;D


Quote from: Gleech on November 30, 2009, 08:48:12 AM
Er... I've actually never seen any germans on this forum, and if you're insulting Americans by saying that you might want to shut up quickly before someone takes it the wrong way and bans you.

Most of the people are in school right now... since in america, its...

11 AM PT, 12 PM MT, 1 PM CT, 2 PM ET

and eastern time (ET) is the time zone most of the people from USA here are in.. so yeah.

Take it easy... i dont mean to insult anyone.
I said that most other forums, not this one, but other forums about sonic; are german.