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Generation of Spikes

Started by hedgy, January 08, 2011, 11:08:45 AM

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I began a website today. The logo still says "gamersgen" because first I wanted to let it be a general gaming site. But I decided to just keep it on sonic only. So ignore the logo please xD It's just called Generation of Spikes.

Other than that the website itself didn't really start yet. The buttons; Home, Sonic games, Forum and Chat are the only working ones atm. I'm going to order the others tomorrow.
At the forum the forum isn't ordened too so that's a bit useless too atm.

I'm looking for authors(&wich are directly forum admin too), people who wants to write reviews, information, rumours or anything about sonic.

To be author please add me on MSN: [email protected] or skype (search for leonie ponsioen or hedgy.)
No authors by this forum or by PM anymore, simply because it's too hard to keep you up to date and keep me up-to-date by the site. Also content not able to be shown for others yet have to be talked about on msn or skype (prefer msn ofcourse)
When you're author I'll tell you how adding articles goes, it's not that hard and I'll watch every article added to see if there aren't any mistakes with choosing the right section & catogory.

The site is: Dont forget it's still not done yet, but you could signup and comment on any existing article whenever you like. Also the chatbox is ready to use (no-accound needed.)

Please dont see this as an official project yet, I never used this program before so it's a trial site too atm.

