World of Quest RP <_<

Started by Tavy, April 15, 2009, 06:38:05 AM

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Hey, you ever heard of "the world of quest"? if yes, would you like us to have a rp with it? XD
Jsut pick a char, we need all teh main characters to begin, you can have as many char's as you desire

Gatling (or how his name is )

And I want to be Way!!! ^^ and I'll also want to have some of my own FC, they will come later, you'll sew how
. So, pick ur char and let's start!
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^

Light the Hedgehog

i never heard of world of quest but, snap, this sounds awesome! i'll use......
my FC's Girouette "Giro" the hedgehog, Siarnaq the hedgehog, Thetis the hedgehog, Atlas the hedgehog, and Aeolus the hedgehog...i'll also be using Nestor (which is in the list)...and yes i'm to lazy to put up the info of my Fc's....

Giro:...hmm? WHA?! where am i?!


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on April 16, 2009, 02:37:34 AM
i never heard of world of quest but, snap, this sounds awesome! i'll use......
my FC's Girouette "Giro" the hedgehog, Siarnaq the hedgehog, Thetis the hedgehog, Atlas the hedgehog, and Aeolus the hedgehog...i'll also be using Nestor (which is in the list)...and yes i'm to lazy to put up the info of my Fc's....

Giro:...hmm? WHA?! where am i?!

Nestor is the prince who Quest takes care of, and Quest hates Nestor, but somehow obeys, in his own way
EG: Nestor once said "Stop teh fight!"
and Quest picked Nestor, and trowed him into the villan, and said "Stopped, Dwarf" then fought again
Nestor: I ordone you to let me go!
Quest: *trows Nes away*

this is wat I mean... who else comes plz take more char until we have all the main cahrs

(Nestor has the only power to shot a fireball from a snake on his arm, google "World of Quest" to see it on utube, and know a bit more)
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^

Light the Hedgehog

Giro *in mechaniloid voice*: porcessing data.....