Operation: Deadly Double. (Serious Role Play)

Started by HereAndThere, January 12, 2010, 02:21:50 AM

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"He's an F.B.I Jeexx.He's deadly.Who COULD get information from him?Maybe only his closest colleagues........" Shade said to Jeexx then thought about Metallic's closest members.


"You get information on an F.B.I agent from the internet?"
Apcas chuckled.


"No, I hacked my way to the database of The Pentagon and F.B.I." Jeexx said and drank some water.


"...how the HELL did you mange that?"
Apcas was puzzled.


"I've got a virus in the database of both. It sends me the information I want anytime I want." Jeexx said to Apcas.


"Well you could of told me that before.....but it seems logical" Shade answered.He knew the power of viruses very well.


A few hours passed on the jet.
"We're gonna be landing soon.", Jeexx informed the others.


"Finally" Shade said and rolled his eyes.He was getting a little sick, plane sick.


Apcas sat in the plane waiting for it to land. "Can't this thing go any faster?!" Apcas was ticked off.


"Well excuse me for not wanting to get blown up!" Jeexx said and was about to land 3000 meters away from a military base.
"If I would have gone any faster, they would have registered us as threats and blast the living shit out of us" Jeexx said and went outside.