What are the things you fear?

Started by Skyle369, June 10, 2009, 02:39:51 AM

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Scary movies and death. That's all.

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


The tails doll... I can't stand the tails doll! That and scary movies!

Post Merge: November 05, 2010, 01:45:38 AM

Oh, and getting lost in another country and not knowing the language everyone speaks so I can't talk to anyone


Prower 007

Being upside-down. I completely lose my mind and will do ANYTHING to go right-side-up again, and I'll be queasy until I'm back in the natural order.

I can't really comprehend being upside-down so it makes me sick for some reason...


I have no fears...however, my mother makes me EXTREMELY paranoid... :|