Windows Vista Ultimate: Should I upgrade?

Started by ShadowsOfSilver, September 19, 2009, 11:03:05 AM

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Don't go for Vista... Windows7 is a lot better. I had vista and lost four pages worth of an essay..... don't... download... vista....
Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.


I don't really have any problems with vista besides it lagging sometimes.I don't know what to say you should upgrade to really. :/


vista is no problem, but upgrade to 7 if you can. dont stay on XP


again, a nice topic xD
XP will keep you covered for a while, though the support is going to stop. other than that you could best just wait with upgrading till the last moment (that way, you make sure there is plenty of support and drivers for 7)

Vista has got a LOT of annoyances, however it depends on your computer, and how intensive you use your computer. i have worked on a lot of laptops that had the vista sticker, and they ran it... sorta. again this depends on what you want. the computers that run vista have to be powerful, if it is not, the speed will drop once you activate too much aero stuff. I suggest downgrading at that point.

7 is built from the ground up, while vista was based on XP, that way 7 has been improving, instead of building further on old problems. XP is fine, and this is a great way of moving on. the new "Superbar" can me disabled, and aero doesn't require a smart person to be disabled. customizing 7 isn't that hard too.
7 has got a great load of support and a lot of people are active on the help forums. that way there is a way better customer support. (remember the troubleshooters from XP? they don't help a lot.)


end-users: go for vista, as long as your a standard end-user you won't need all that much of a computer, and only use it to check mail and browse forums. no need to waste money. do go for ultimate though, the other ones are just too plain.

people who use their PC for a lot more then just browsing and mail: go for 7 or stick with XP! for you, vista will be either a challenge on your nerves, a challenge for your pc or just plain crap. the constant popups asking you: do you want this to startup? are you sure? are you sure you're sure? will get you ticked off in no time, and the other option is no protection at all...

so choose who you are, and what you want.

I personally am thinking of upgrading from XP to 7


I got my parents HP desktop to replace my steam powered Windows XP desktop. Vista is OK, I have Home Premium on the desktop with 320GB hard disk and 2GB RAM (Core 2 Duo 2.8GHz) and it runs rather well on this actually. :) On the other hand with my old Compaq laptop I bought in early 2008 with Vista, it runs terrible on it...