Okay, This Does Not Make Sense To Me.

Started by CradledEggle, July 07, 2010, 10:50:43 PM

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So Like, If none of you have known, In Arizona they're like if a Hispanic gets pulled over like a routine traffic stop or something along those lines, the cops have like the right to ask you for you papers and such..kinda pisses me off...But here's what I wanted to get to.

There are more illegal aliens coming from Canada than Mexico...But you don't see people complaining about them, just the Mexicans.
Another thing is when people say these immigrants come and take away job from Americans, And I know of this thing where Hispanics are  saying "If you really think we're stealing your job then come take them, I'll let you" And I know for a FACT, that no one will. So I just don't like this...Okay I'll stop ranting now.

I just got home and I am tired, Sorry for any misspellings :3.
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


I agree, because i am a fish from the gulf of Mexico. That makes me a mexican fish.


thats our government at work right there. they try to get rid of these stupid things so they dont have to work on the big things. ah america!
Your reading my sig
2. Now your saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4. You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
5. Your checking it now.
6. Your smiling.
7. Your still reading my signature.
8. You know all you have read is true.
10. You didnt notice that i skipped 9.
11. Your checking it now.
12. You didnt notice there are only 10 facts
O o
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Yeah, I think it's a load of bullshit what our government does sometimes. Equal and free? Ha fucking ha, everyone is racist, including the goverment and it's really screwed up. You have a good point Rendel, if their going to sit there and try to stop Hispanic people, why not stop the Canadians? People want to come to the USA because of the simple fact we have 'freedom'. How is it freedom at all when we do not allow others in, people who crave the rights we so carelessly abuse and aren't all that grateful for?
Let's face it, we as Americans, are spoiled rotten children who don't want to share with others.
Who are we to deny anyone?
We are no one.
Yet our government tries to be god and deny people a chance at life in the USA.

I rest my case.


Quote from: TobiTheGoodGirl on August 09, 2010, 05:27:49 AM
Yeah, I think it's a load of bullshit what our government does sometimes. Equal and free? Ha fucking ha, everyone is racist, including the goverment and it's really screwed up. You have a good point Rendel, if their going to sit there and try to stop Hispanic people, why not stop the Canadians? People want to come to the USA because of the simple fact we have 'freedom'. How is it freedom at all when we do not allow others in, people who crave the rights we so carelessly abuse and aren't all that grateful for?
Let's face it, we as Americans, are spoiled rotten children who don't want to share with others.
Who are we to deny anyone?
We are no one.
Yet our government tries to be god and deny people a chance at life in the USA.

I rest my case.
Yet everyone still wants to live there...
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Rendel The Wolf on July 07, 2010, 10:50:43 PM
So Like, If none of you have known, In Arizona they're like if a Hispanic gets pulled over like a routine traffic stop or something along those lines, the cops have like the right to ask you for you papers and such..kinda pisses me off...But here's what I wanted to get to.

There are more illegal aliens coming from Canada than Mexico...But you don't see people complaining about them
, just the Mexicans.
Another thing is when people say these immigrants come and take away job from Americans, And I know of this thing where Hispanics are  saying "If you really think we're stealing your job then come take them, I'll let you" And I know for a FACT, that no one will. So I just don't like this...Okay I'll stop ranting now.

I just got home and I am tired, Sorry for any misspellings :3.
I agree with you.

Down here though, usually people dont hire you unless you speak spanish, which i find is BS because if you live in America, you should be able to speak the language, more or less... though if the person is young/elderly i under stand .3.
though most people here save the job for their amigos and what not, i've seen it happen too. But i wouldn't say that people are 'stealing' the jobs...

though back to government
Bold: yeah i do find it strange that no one is Complaining about up north, Nothing has been said on the news about them...at all actually, from what ive been watching on the news anyway...I sense racism, but thats because maddie isnt nice when it comes right down to it -shot-

Quote from: TobiTheGoodGirl on August 09, 2010, 05:27:49 AM
Yeah, I think it's a load of bullshit what our government does sometimes. Equal and free? Ha fucking ha, everyone is racist, including the goverment and it's really screwed up. You have a good point Rendel, if their going to sit there and try to stop Hispanic people, why not stop the Canadians? People want to come to the USA because of the simple fact we have 'freedom'. How is it freedom at all when we do not allow others in, people who crave the rights we so carelessly abuse and aren't all that grateful for?
Let's face it, we as Americans, are spoiled rotten children who don't want to share with others.
Who are we to deny anyone?
We are no one.
Yet our government tries to be god and deny people a chance at life in the USA.

I rest my case.
:3 i love you so much hun.