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Started by TobiTheGoodGirl, September 10, 2010, 12:25:11 PM

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OH look...something that no one is going to read..

Any who... thinking about actually getting a life, well more of one. I occasionally chill with some friends, been looking for a job since you can work here at the age of 14 with a permit... but yeah. I've just been too tired lately, planning on giving up cosplay and some animes Iwatch a lot. Byebye Inuyasha, Naruto, Bleach, Soul Eater, Black Butler and loads of other animes... I just dunno, i'm tired of being treated like shit in RL for who I am and online because of who I am. 'Just be who you are' is the biggest load of bullshit ever. We all know we have to change or no one will be happy. I've been killing chatboxes and forums lately, so maybe I should just stay low for a while.

Who knows, maybe it's my period making me all pissy and moody, or maybe I'm comming to the realization that no one really gives a flying fuckabout anyone. I love this site, I really do, I love a lot of sites I amfrequently found on. However; let's face it. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE would notice if I went missing. Think about it. Don't be like 'oh I'd miss you' because we all know that's BULLSHIT. Hell, I'm still looking forward to possibly meeting a few people from here at Otakon next year if I can go, yeah that'd be awesome. The chances? Face it, they're very slim. Why bother wasting energy hoping that it will happen?

I don't even reply to texts that often anymore, as some people have noticed. I read my messages then turn my cell off. My mom has my cell atm, so....yeah. I'm becomming more and more unsocialable, and for some reason people keep flocking to me in reality. I don't know why, but whatever. I might be hanging with them more. Anyways...rant is done for now.


I don't know how you can say that I care about you and have cared for a long time if you wanna hang out with people irl i understand why but don't leave cause you think no one cares or stuff like that cause I'm sure people do at least I know I do but it seems like you always forget that no matter how much I  show it. it's not gonna change that I love you in a sisterly way...


Quote from: valia_wolfie on September 12, 2010, 04:16:23 PM
I don't know how you can say that I care about you and have cared for a long time if you wanna hang out with people irl i understand why but don't leave cause you think no one cares or stuff like that cause I'm sure people do at least I know I do but it seems like you always forget that no matter how much I  show it. it's not gonna change that I love you in a sisterly way...
I second this.

I know i never seems serious, and seem like someone who wouldn't care less if you left, but i do, and i would, If you left, i'd miss a very good friend. ;~;
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~