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Started by Jordan teh Echidna, August 24, 2009, 03:28:49 AM

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Jordan teh Echidna

Quote from: ChaosDazer on March 04, 2010, 05:58:51 AM
I'm dead?

Fix this now, or I'm gonna go hulk on your ass >:[
My plan is working >8F...BEELLIIEEVVE
Pesterchum = sirJayden


But it's hard when your dead. 8D
witty sig caption


You should really post your story as a link Mikey.

Anyways, this is Pokemon based, and it stars: (Take a guess) This'll probably be the longest fiction ever, since I have to watch the episodes of Diamond and Pearl and change them to accomodate the new couple of Ash and Misty. And the story ends when Japan decides to end the Sinnoh series, so it's going to be REALLY long. But these chapters I've already done, all from my mind. So enjoy.

I love Jesus! Do you?

Jordan teh Echidna

:0 wowch, that's goood, we need to make a fanfic collaboration one day ^^
Pesterchum = sirJayden


Quote from: Mikey the Echidna on March 27, 2010, 05:41:38 AM
:0 wowch, that's goood, we need to make a fanfic collaboration one day ^^

You actually read it?

I love Jesus! Do you?

Jordan teh Echidna

i just finished reading is lawng...xD
Pesterchum = sirJayden


Well, anywho, didn't see anywhere else to put this. It's just a short snippet, took me maybe five minutes, written in second person. Second person is awesome XD

Cold, a biting, breath taking, numbing, painful cold. That's all you can feel, see, and hear. Everything is cold and black, or was it black and cold? You can no longer tell, all you know is that you are alone in this world. You have no one, not another living soul. This alone drives pain into your very soul, heart, and mind. Mentally, you are no longer sane.

Being alone can do that to you.

You've been wandering this horrible abyss for so long that you've forgotten everything else. The only thing that even registers in your mind anymore is the tap of your feet as you walk endlessly onwards. Perhaps it would be best if you stopped moving entirely, you think. Maybe all this cruelness will go away.

With those thoughts in mind, you lay down, ready to slip into the world of the unconcious. You don't know if your laying down at all, or if your eyes are even open. All you feel is the same cold, see the same darkness, hear the same nothing. What have you done to deserve this hell? This never ending void? You can't remember.
Nothing matters to you anymore, you don't even feel hunger anymore.

Only emptyness.

Bellowing, angry, crying...emptyness.


Please post all future pieces of literature in the Fanfiction section. Thank you.,134.0.html


I love Jesus! Do you?