The Eggman Adventure series

Started by Supersonic196, December 11, 2010, 08:09:03 PM

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my gmod series.

this one sucks a bit better

almost quality

quality!!! :D

Post Merge: December 12, 2010, 01:34:26 AM

apparently i have to post merge to keep it going


My reviews to each ep on your eggman series.

Ep 1: What're you talkin about? That didn't suck...It was funny as HELL. LOL Kinda better than Ep2. Anyways, I really like the character interactions. "Shut up, Gus. If I wanted your opinion, I woulda asked?" Seriously, why is eggman using them in his: 'Conquering the world for no apparent reason' Scheme

Ep2: You've already gotten that from me.  ;D The steven hawkins thingy!

Ep3: Ehhh, it's was alright...Eggman's hired a terrorist to make bombs that can create...*Gasps* Blackholes? And why does Gus cares? Isn't conquering the world sorta considered...Terrorism? Eggman; he's pretty much losing his whole team...On to ep4.
Fav line in Eppy!
Eggman: Beside, (I forget his name) would of agreed with me?
Gus: (His name still aludes my mind) didn't show up today, because he thinks you're insane. (Which is true)

Ep4: LOL Eggman forgot that fast that he fired them? And why were ol' sciensist dude and black dude looking at the same cleaning commerical? (The commerical sound like something off of Jet Radio) One more thing...Why does terroist dude always throws a boot at them (Insert Soic Unleashed music)
Why is your show so DAMN random?! On to the final eppy!

Ep5: Hmmm...That as indeed...strange. It was kinda dark in there, but 2 million for a lamp...FUCK NAH! LOL Eggman laughter at the end was...unexpected. Good show, dude...Waitin' for your next installment.


Quote from: Solar-Solace on December 11, 2010, 10:19:04 PM
My reviews to each ep on your eggman series.

Ep 1: What're you talkin about? That didn't suck...It was funny as HELL. LOL Kinda better than Ep2. Anyways, I really like the character interactions. "Shut up, Gus. If I wanted your opinion, I woulda asked?" Seriously, why is eggman using them in his: 'Conquering the world for no apparent reason' Scheme

Ep2: You've already gotten that from me.  ;D The steven hawkins thingy!

Ep3: Ehhh, it's was alright...Eggman's hired a terrorist to make bombs that can create...*Gasps* Blackholes? And why does Gus cares? Isn't conquering the world sorta considered...Terrorism? Eggman; he's pretty much losing his whole team...On to ep4.
Fav line in Eppy!
Eggman: Beside, (I forget his name) would of agreed with me?
Gus: (His name still aludes my mind) didn't show up today, because he thinks you're insane. (Which is true)

Ep4: LOL Eggman forgot that fast that he fired them? And why were ol' sciensist dude and black dude looking at the same cleaning commerical? (The commerical sound like something off of Jet Radio) One more thing...Why does terroist dude always throws a boot at them (Insert Soic Unleashed music)
Why is your show so DAMN random?! On to the final eppy!

Ep5: Hmmm...That as indeed...strange. It was kinda dark in there, but 2 million for a lamp...FUCK NAH! LOL Eggman laughter at the end was...unexpected. Good show, dude...Waitin' for your next installment.

lol thanks, the reason the terrorist throws the shoe is


LOL I forgot that had happened to him.

Nice references, there.  ;D



That was...a really trippy Eppy, right there. LOL

Why was the terrorist dude staring in the light at the beginning...Doesn't he know that will hurt his EYES?!?! What's wrong with him, damn. (rambling)

They broke the atom splitter? (That's what it is was called, right) That item Snake was holding, that was Pit's double-weilder bow sword...thingy from brawl, right?

But no problems, Wario had it...inside...his...mouth. And 2 milllion for the atom splitter?! That highway rob...Hmm, on second thought...I guess, that was sorta worth it.

Waitin' for the next installment...I suppose, the least thing I can do for you is sub to your youtube's channel.


Quote from: Solar-Solace on December 12, 2010, 12:48:26 PM
That item Snake was holding, that was Pit's double-weilder bow sword...thingy from brawl, right?

yes it was

Post Merge: December 13, 2010, 10:05:49 PM
episode 7