Why do most hate Windows Vista?

Started by Rulep, February 08, 2010, 11:39:14 AM

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XP and 7 are much better then Vista... I was on Vista and it was much slower and XP or 7!


Quote from: John Gillis on February 09, 2010, 02:53:26 AM
The reason vista is hated is because of 2 major reasons. For one, Vista doesnt support as many drivers as XP did, meaning lots of programs are incompatible with it. And the second biggest reason is because, even if you dont notice, Vista hogs up a lot of system resources, making it an overall slower experience than Windows XP.

Those are the real reasons.
Now if more people were to explain facts and opinions like this, the world would be a much better place
And all these things
Quote from: Dracoslythe on February 09, 2010, 09:02:41 AM
I still say my explanation is best for the average person.
Screw you "explanation"
Quote from: John Gillis on February 09, 2010, 09:40:08 AM
Windows 7 is great on new laptops. I would know, because I have one lol.
So do I
And all these things
Quote from: Zero Insanity on February 11, 2010, 07:41:25 PM
This exactly and I also hate User Account Control (UAC).

PC: Are you sure?
Me: Yes *clicks yes*
PC: Are you really sure?
Me: *sigh* Yes *clicks yes again*
PC: Are you absolutely sure?
Me: OMG YES *clicks yes once more and facedesk*
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Vista might suck, but it's way better than Windows ME. :V I've heard that OS had so many problems with it, it's not even funny. Also my old 98 Desktop BSOD so many times it's crazy. :V I'm seriously thinking about upgrading to Windows 7, or *gasp* Mac. Many programs don't run well on Vista of course, as so many people said before.


If you decide to purchase a Mac, just run Windows 7 along side it. Then you can just run Windows in an actual window like a program. There are multiple programs that do this and only I have heard of one. It's called "Parallels". Unfortunately, it is not free.



It's all down to the fact that it's a buggy, memory-hogging ass backwards OS.
I personally hate it due to two reasons.

1. Eats up system resources like no tomorrow.
2. Any program you load prompts you, basically saying "Woah, watch out now.. Are you sure you know what you're opening up here? - Microsoft Word looks kind'a dodgy.. You absolutely SURE you wish to open this?"

I know option 2 can be turned off somehow - but it's a pain in the ass... slows things RIGHT down.


I have no problems with that and up to awhile ago I would have been supporting Vista, but now I've seen it's nothing but crap. Every window I try to open stops responding. Every time I right click windows stops responding. Firefox breaks down. This PoS has froze on me so many times it isn't funny anymore...

...Of course, that couldn't be because of all the yaoi I search up...could it? *shot*

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Wtf.. I've fixed vista of every issue you guys have written down here, it's not that hard..

Super Sonic Boom

With me being a fellow Windows Vista user, I can tell from experience why people would hate it... two words:
(Basically crashing programs like no-one's business, like my Steam always freezes when I first open it)
(It feels like many programs work fine on ANY OTHER OS, but when you put it in a Vista it usually doesn't respond)

Now I'm not hatin' on Vista, but it's something I see all the time...even with the compaibility mode.


Hmmm... We got a old topic revied. Anyway. I downloaded Service Pack 2 for Vista, and I'm not having any problems with it.
Rulep: do you ever fall in love with yourself
Captain Nook: for me, there could never be anyone else.
Captain Nook: I've spent hours looking in the mirror.


Quote from: John Gillis on February 09, 2010, 02:53:26 AM
The reason vista is hated is because of 2 major reasons. For one, Vista doesnt support as many drivers as XP did, meaning lots of programs are incompatible with it. And the second biggest reason is because, even if you dont notice, Vista hogs up a lot of system resources, making it an overall slower experience than Windows XP.

Those are the real reasons.

You see, when XP came out, it didnt support all the pre-xp drivers either.