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...Stress Help, Please?

Started by Dracoslythe, January 19, 2011, 05:44:24 PM

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I didn't put this is spam because I'm serious about this.

I'm strung out, and have been since Monday.

Exams start tomorrow, I take my license test tomorrow...I've already been worked up over those.
Robotics is pretty hectic, we have six weeks to design/build/program/practice a fully functional robot with an arm that can pick and up and hang intertubes.

...and then on top of all of that, me and my bf of more than a year broke up Monday night, out of nowhere, like literally...we've NEVER been in an argument, never been mad at each other, and just an hour before, we were all cheery and...normal (part of the reason I haven't really been on much in the past few days...I didn't want my personal life affecting how I treated people here).  That added a TON of stress onto me (he doesn't have to take any of his final exams, so it doesn't bother him, but I have to take 3 out of 4 of mine...), and then on top of that, he's acting like nothing's changed.
It went from crying my eyes out to pure anger, and now it's all making my stress meter go off the charts.

It's pretty bad when you're so stressed that you get sick.

So yeah, I really need some things to take my mind off of it all...That's why I'm asking you guys what you do to help with your stress?


i play games and drink gatorade.

i also find that "draining" your emotions on to paper helps, just draw a bunch of little sad faces on a piece of paper, and make a ball of them, when the paper fills up, throw it out. if your still stressed do it again.

also, drink some tea, honey, not sugar, with cream. and make sure its just plain tea, and not that nasty flavored stuff.


Quote from: supersonic196 on January 19, 2011, 05:57:09 PM
i play games and drink gatorade.

i also find that "draining" your emotions on to paper helps, just draw a bunch of little sad faces on a piece of paper, and make a ball of them, when the paper fills up, throw it out. if your still stressed do it again.

also, drink some tea, honey, not sugar, with cream. and make sure its just plain tea, and not that nasty flavored stuff.
Well I got the games and gatorade thing all sorted out.  Just finished my second bottle, and I was playing MMZX earlier.  (:

I've tried the paper thing before, but it doesn't really help.  I usually write depressing poems lol

Mmm tea<3


Quote from: Dracoslythe on January 19, 2011, 06:00:55 PM
Well I got the games and gatorade thing all sorted out.  Just finished my second bottle, and I was playing MMZX earlier.  (:

I've tried the paper thing before, but it doesn't really help.  I usually write depressing poems lol

Mmm tea<3

Ah, well, poems could work too, i'm not very artsy. At least not with words, so it doesn't help me much.


I don't stress out much, but I when I do, I usually find somewhere quiet where no one's going to bother me and just enjoy silence for a little while.

It's kinda hard to do with 5 other people in my house, but I guess that's why it helps me.


What I do is watch a movie or write a poem because whenever I write poems it feels like all my emotions are converted to written words and you can just throw them away after writing.


Oh that's terrible.
I usually sit down and think of the good outcomes to the situation! There may not be many but hear this; there's a bright side to everything.


The only thing that cures a wound like this is time. There's no insta-cure for emotion sickness folks. Draco if you're feeling all wound up about this, you need to get out there and just go on with life. Fine yourself a group to hang out with and just have fun! Once you start relaxing and having fun there, your epic fail boyfriend will seem miles away. ^^

I love Jesus! Do you?


Go get laid.
But no, seriously. I've been here for you since we met and you know I'm always around to try my hardest to cheer you up, Kay. We can play Pokemon or finish that damned RP...Or harass GD...whichever works best.  ::)

I usually keep it bottled up or talk to you guys. I'm used to it, though. Chewing bubble gum is also supposed to help...or, if you got flour and a few balloons (doubt you do but this is fun anyway) you can make one of those little stress release balls. :3

Quote from: Dracoslythe on January 19, 2011, 05:44:24 PM
...and then on top of all of that, me and my bf of more than a year broke up Monday night
Err...Keep Rockout and the Dracofag society away from this topic. >.> <.<

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o

darkness shadow

aw poor draco D=

well i don't usually get stressed, but when i do i like to talk... but that's just me, if you feel like talking just poke on msn, i wun mind =3
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D

Super Sonic Boom

Le'me break it down for you...

1. I took my license exam in driver's education, just remain calm and remember that there's a good cushion of where you can occasional miss one concept and still pass. If it's any consolation, I DQ'd my first attempt but rallied back when I relaxed and passed with a good score.

2. FIRST will have it's up's and down's, believe me, I use to be a part of together with your team and use your coach's advice as a stepping stool to succeed!

3. Exams come and go, study but don't forget study sessions with your friends may give you a more relaxed study session.

4. RELATIONSHIPS...I'm not touching that. I am in a relationship right now (it's the first time for the both of us) and I am expected to see a movie with her AND attend a party for my friend tomorrow so it's not the best idea to ask me (lol). Nevertheless, the relationship is adding to my load too but sometimes it's a good idea to call a timeout - I'm sorry your BF may consider a good way to call a TO be breaking up with you but give it time...

Believe me Draco, I'm going through 11th grade's tough shit. I am also trying to assess too because my friends do see me as stressed many times. The relationship is weighing heavy on my mind but I just take it one step at a time. We both got other things in common like...we both have the forum.

I want it to be known that Sonic Zone Forum is committed to its members to give them the best experience and help them when they need it. If anyone is having problems, please talk to us if it is something not too private...if it is to your friends and remember that I am here as a friend too and anyone can talk to me at anytime and we can talk about anything privately.

I hope this helped because I think your situation may also apply to me as well and I would like to assess the situation and address it head on!


You're going to die at a very young age
Now, about your stress problem, I always go to watch a Spongebob episode to calm my nerves....and it always works
This is also a good substitute

I don't know why Spongebob specifically though...
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on January 23, 2011, 02:21:53 PM
You're going to die at a very young age
Now, about your stress problem, I always go to watch a Spongebob episode to calm my nerves....and it always works
This is also a good substitute

I don't know why Spongebob specifically though...


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!