Changing the forum to Pokemon ROMs?

Started by Super Sonic Boom, March 16, 2011, 05:10:34 PM

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Quote from: hedgy on March 16, 2011, 11:29:44 PM
sega is keeping theirself quiet...

well, considering that colors was basically spoiled when it hit the shelves, i'm kinda glad that it's being kept underground at the moment.


Quote from: Skyle369 on March 17, 2011, 12:52:17 AM
Totally, they didn't show anything at E3, or the Directors thingy and even press conferences. So far the only rumors is that the 20th anniversary will be a compilation of the best Sonic stages in SU Daytime gameplay.

The last E3 may have been quiet with sega, but at that moment there was already sonic colors, freeriders and 4 coming soon.
It's the 20th birthday of sonic indeed, so there should come a great game for that, and who knows what to expect more. We're 3 months away from the E3.
I expect information about the annivisary game and a 3ds game. I'm also hoping for a dreamcast 2 (nintendo will probably announce a wii 2, so that would be a nice timing, and I've readed a few months ago that someone would like to developement a dreamcast 2.) Who knows... Who knows....


Dreamcast 2? Doubtful. Super doubtful. If SEGA were considering re-entering the console market they would have stopped releasing their titles on other consoles already, or at least started holding back their recognizable titles, like Sonic. And that Dreamcast Collection would never have come out.

A Wii 2 is unlikely as well, but not impossible. More likely is a new version of the Wii. Rumors about an HD Wii have been floating around for years. The Wii is still making Nintendo crazy money, even if sales have started to plateau.

And while I'm on the subject... Sony has already said they're going to try to get 10 years out of the PS3. That doesn't mean the PS4 won't be out before then, but don't expect it for another couple years. Micro$oft, on the other hand, is already openly looking into their next console. Sony and Nintendo are definitely doing that too, but they aren't being public about it. Expect Micro$oft's new system first, then Nintendo, and then Sony. And it's highly unlikely another company will try to get a new console into the market without one of those three leaving. It would over-saturate the market and we'd end up with a literal console war between at least two of them akin to Nintendo and SEGA back in the day.