The Forum War -RP, please read first post-

Started by xSalashawty, June 28, 2011, 06:43:45 PM

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"Hi Tana.. Uh... We were feeding him porridge. He wouldn't stay still so we cuffed him." Salas tried to excuse, but too much sarcasm came out.

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


"Yep, he didn't eat breakky this morning so we're making him eat it now." I added on with completely seriousness, ruffling my short brown hair as had become habit ever since I had gotten it cut.


"Oh, that's a shame.. I thought you were up to no good", Tana said sadly through a half smile, sheathing her new Katana. "Not even a drop of blood. Well I best be ghosting"


"Aww don't go, I mean, yeah we WERE gonna do SOME things to him. I mean, its Jkid, how could anyone resist one bad thing?"


"Oooh!", Tana squealed, pulling out her Katana again. "Do I get to inflict non-fatal wounds all over him and seductively lick all the blood off?"
Maybe Tana got a little too excited, because as she flicked the blade out she sliced an Anon clean in half. Of course nobody cared but come on, there was a fresh opportunity for some teasing..