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Kid Icarus Uprising

Started by Supersonic196, March 27, 2012, 05:40:11 PM

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I feel like Nintendo has forgotten how to advertise lately, because their ads have done absolutely nothing to entice me to play their games.
I know I should probably expect a great game, it is Nintendo we're talking about, but I guess that's something to show for the power of advertising. The material online portrays uprising as an extremely bland and tasteless shooter; however this is not the case.

Itching for something new to play, my brother picked it up today, and I must say, this is one of the most impressive games on the system. The graphics are fantastic (though you wouldn't know it from the screens online), the gameplay and controls are smooth as silk, and the 3D effect just elevates the experience even further.

I don't know what it is with screenshots of 3DS games, but they all look awful.
This screenshot here looks like a bad third party gamecube game. In game the graphics are splended, the lighting is great, and the effects are impressive for a handheld.
It actually looks and feels a lot like brawl, in terms of atmosphere and art direction. However; this is to be expected considering that they were both directed by Masahiro Sakurai.

The score is great, almost every song in the game is orchestrated, and you'll need headphones to truly appreciate it, the speakers don't do these pieces justice.

Another note on sound; the entire game is fully voice acted. At first I thought this would be a minus, as Nintendo barely ever does voice acted games, so I figured their cast would be fairly bad, but it's really not. The entire cast does a really good job at what they do, It really feels like you're playing a movie at times, the actors are all fantastic, and the dialogue is always witty and well written.

The game plays like a mix of Sin and Punishment and starfox. I don't why, but I was getting a kirby vibe from the ground sections as well.
The flying segments are on rails, and really showcase some beautiful environments, the shooting works great, you aim with the stylus and touch screen, much like metroid prime: hunters, and fire with the L trigger, it's simple and effective.
For the ground segments you do the same thing, but you're free to move around the area and explore.

Overall, this is a VERY impressive effort by Nintendo, especially since they were rebooting this:

And it works, they've essentially created an entirely new Nintendo universe, and I hope to see a sequel in the future.


I've been wanting to try this. Every verdict I hear, though, is generally the same. The flying sections are amazing and the story is down right hilarious but the ground sections are made terrible by shit controls and an extremely close camera.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on March 28, 2012, 02:40:44 AM
I've been wanting to try this. Every verdict I hear, though, is generally the same. The flying sections are amazing and the story is down right hilarious but the ground sections are made terrible by shit controls and an extremely close camera.
Actually, the ground sections aren't that bad, the controls are about the same, and the camera is like that to help you aim. They're not as good as the flying segments, but they're still enjoyable.


And how much of the game is divided into said flying / ground sections? And is there any other types of gameplay/minigames/anything besides those?

3DS screens look bad because the images are generally bloated to fuck.

The kirby vibes would be another Sakurai thing.


Quote from: Iris Sapphire on March 28, 2012, 06:30:09 AM
And how much of the game is divided into said flying / ground sections? And is there any other types of gameplay/minigames/anything besides those?

3DS screens look bad because the images are generally bloated to fuck.

The kirby vibes would be another Sakurai thing.
I'd say it's about 60% ground based, depending on how fast you can complete the ground segments, that leaves another 40% flying segments, which are amazing. The ground gameplay is still fun, it's just not as much sin and punishment as it is Starfox adventures.

There's a rather enjoyable online mode where you can battle with 5 other players lag free, however these are ground based arena segments.

One thing I think people forget how to do in this game is dash, the ground segments are so slow if you walk everywhere, but it can be pretty fast paced if you run by double tapping.

I don't know if that ratio of ground/air turned you turned you off, but this is a REALLY good game. One of the best on the system in my opinion.


This game is LONG and PLOT TWISTY! i got it the day it came out and i still haven't beaten the story yet! (So far, i have counted up to six plot twist!) Also, if you have ever played Kirby Air Ride, alot of the gameplay elements are in this game (ground base elements).

i personally like the ground battles more than the air battles, different flings for different things i guess...