The Elder Scrolls Online

Started by shadowDOESrock, May 03, 2012, 12:03:25 PM

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The Elder Scrolls Online was just revealed to be ZeniMax's (Bethesda) long-rumored MMO. Game Informer's next cover announced the game this morning. The mag says The Elder Scrolls Online will take place across the "entire land of Tamriel," approximately one thousand years before Skyrim's place in time. The story will focus on daedric prince Molag Bal as he attempts to make Tamriel part of "his demonic realm."

The game's director is Matt Firor. "It will be extremely rewarding finally to unveil what we have been developing the last several years," he says. "The entire team is committed to creating the best MMO ever made – and one that is worthy of The Elder Scrolls franchise." The game's July cover reveal will detail a variety of the game's possibilities: soloing, public questing, and a unique new take on player-vs-player, in which the three factions battle over sections of land or a desired position of power.

More will be revealed tomorrow in a "brief teaser trailer" of the game, GI says.

The Game will launch for both PC & Mac.


I'm sick and tired of MMO's almost as much as fighting games

They take up way too much time a dedication for them to be made soo quickly...
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


... YES.

This will certainly be epic.


Please not another WoW clone.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on May 04, 2012, 06:52:04 AM
Please not another WoW clone.

Yeahhhhhhh.... i'll just stick with Guild Wars 2. Thank you.


If it plays like other Elder Scrolls games, I'd be interested. I probably won't ever play it since it probably won't be free-to-play though.


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on May 04, 2012, 10:30:24 AM
Lack of first-person combat screenshots has me weary...

• Releasing in 2013 for PC/Mac.

• Takes place 1,000 years in the past.

• Fully voice acted & features a third-person perspective only.

• The game uses a hotbar to activate skills like other traditional MMOs. (ew)

• Crafting, alchemy, and soul gems will be included.

• There will be Daedric Princes like Molag Bal, who acts as the game's primary antagonist.

• There are three player factions:  Ebonheart Pact: The Nords, Dunmer, and Argonians; Aldmeri Dominion: Altmer, Bosmer, and Khajit; Daggerfall Covenant: Bretons, Redguard, and Orcs.

• Hitting the level cap takes roughly 120 hours. (lol)

• The game features three-faction PvP, which has players fighting to take over keeps and using siege weapons.

• 100 v 100 battles will be possible.

• The most accomplished PvP player on your faction becomes Emperor upon taking control of Cyrodil's Imperial City.




Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on May 04, 2012, 10:39:14 AM
• Releasing in 2013 for PC/Mac.

• Takes place 1,000 years in the past.

Fully voice acted & features a third-person perspective only.

The game uses a hotbar to activate skills like other traditional MMOs. (ew)

• Crafting, alchemy, and soul gems will be included.

• There will be Daedric Princes like Molag Bal, who acts as the game's primary antagonist.

• There are three player factions:  Ebonheart Pact: The Nords, Dunmer, and Argonians; Aldmeri Dominion: Altmer, Bosmer, and Khajit; Daggerfall Covenant: Bretons, Redguard, and Orcs.

• Hitting the level cap takes roughly 120 hours. (lol)

• The game features three-faction PvP, which has players fighting to take over keeps and using siege weapons.

• 100 v 100 battles will be possible.

• The most accomplished PvP player on your faction becomes Emperor upon taking control of Cyrodil's Imperial City.
Yup, I see no reason to play this rather than Guild Wars 2, or any other of the thousands of MMOs out there
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on May 04, 2012, 10:39:14 AM
• Hitting the level cap takes roughly 120 hours. (lol)

And once you hit the level cap, actual skill comes into play, as you play the other 70% of the game.
You know, like every other MMO.. where all the end-game content is what really matters.

Besides, it only takes an experienced player a few days to reach the level cap in most MMO games. Even WoW, which has 85- going on 90- levels of experience, can be capped in a few days using a few simple tricks.

Still.. this is Elder Scrolls... Bethesda.. which means it's going to be chock full of bugs bugs bugs bugs and bugs. Give it.. eeehhhh..... 2-3 years, then play it. Till then, , go play something stable. Still, if it has a trial period or no sub-fees, I'd be willing to try it out. No First Person mode is a major let-down, but when it comes to MMOs, anything else is quite difficult to manage without unbalancing the game.

It'll still be better than 95% of it's competitors. And, it'll be absolutely massive too.