The De-Evolution Of Survival Horror

Started by Hakudamashi, January 17, 2013, 09:02:11 PM

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Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


To be honest, Resident Evil 4 was legit scary - despite how it played. The same goes for Resident Evil Revelations on 3DS.

But the issue here is actually that... the mainstream audience doesnt really care for survival horror.
So, you're obviously not gonna spend millions of dollars on producing a game if you're not gonna get the money back.

Hence why there is no such thing a big-budget horror movie as well.


Because from what I've gathered, when people think of survival horror, they don't think beyond jump scares.
Not to mention those wannabe psychiatrists who are all like "It's not real, so horror games are pointless, why be afraid of something that can't leave the screen?" Way to miss the point...
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on January 18, 2013, 01:54:02 PM
Because from what I've gathered, when people think of survival horror, they don't think beyond jump scares.
Not to mention those wannabe psychiatrists who are all like "It's not real, so horror games are pointless, why be afraid of something that can't leave the screen?" Way to miss the point...

Horror in general isnt really popular. There are ones that you might "consider" popular but really are only popular under a very specfic age & life group that like things like "Paranormal Activity".

Then there is things like Alien Franchise, which... really just is the the only big-budget Horror Franchise.
But even there, its popularity is based off "Aliens" which was more action-y and when Alien 3 came around to be more like the original movie and a true horror movie the community basically split into 3/4 and 1/4 - simply because 3/4 wanted the more Action-y Aliens and hated Alien 3 and the 1/4 who saw Alien first and liked the more horror approach. So what does a company do then?
They try to make movies for that bigger audience and thus we got Alien Ressurection and the AvP Movies.

Also, have you played Dead Island? That also gave me the feeling of "horror".
Though, that isnt really a big-budget game.

Personally, i am fine with the way "survival horror" games are placed at the moment.
We get really unique games that scare us, but dont have the polish of a Resident Evil and might have a bunch of Bugs while we also get bombastic hollywood-type adrenaline filled games like Resident Evil 6.

If survival horror games where really popular, we probably wouldnt have seen Dead Island, nor Amnesia, nor Slender: The Arrival, nor Routine - instead we'd have RE4 Clone #234, RE4 Clone #532 and RE4 Clone #949