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The Land OF EpicNess

Started by Nick the Hedgehog, May 04, 2009, 09:04:57 PM

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Nick the Hedgehog

One Day,There was a island called "The Land OF EpicNess"
and it had all social life like we do now,and there was a
school called "Elites of Epicness academy" and there was a
failing student named Nick The Hedgehog,after barely passing
the academy,he was tortured for 2 months by bullies,then he
realized it was time to end it all,He was so enraged his "inner Hedgehog"
was released,and now he knew so much,telekenesis,Force Ball,Time Control,Every single Power mastered
he began studing on what he can do,his quest?Find The Epicness that comes from the outside!

as for those bullies.....he killed them

if you think this is stupid,PHUCK YOU AND PHUCK UR FACE!


can i ask that can we use our FCs in this or just sonic charchters?


name:jeexx the hedgehog

age:15 (same as sonic)

powers:flame on (like the one from secret rings) light control (trys to get the light emeralds out of hes body those were sealed in him when being a experiment animal) and good sword skills (started training when he was sended to the medaeval world)