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Pikmin RP

Started by Light the Hedgehog, September 25, 2009, 03:17:39 PM

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Elana: o.O is it me or do i see the teen titans here?

Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: *plucks White*



iec: hey a white one so what do you do

Light the Hedgehog

White: I AM POISONUS!!! *starts attacking a baby spotty bulborb*


Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: well, you what they say: "don't count your pikmin before they're plucked".


ELana:i've never heard that before...ah well..

Light the Hedgehog

stephen: i make up stuff. hmmm...*takes a hair of light and takes it to the red oion and it produces a hybrid pikmin called "Lightmin"* *plucks it*

Lightmin: HAI!