the worlds last stand rp

Started by darknight, August 27, 2009, 10:46:43 AM

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Light the Hedgehog

Rogue:....i need help...i still have this activation card for Saturnax. TRANSCODE: MMLN-<><>! ACTIVATE!

Saturnax: code response, SOLAR system, ONLINE! *comces out o f the ground*'s nice to see your face again, Rogue.

Ben The Werehog

ben:............... *is watching everything that is happening*

Light the Hedgehog

lol, whut?

Saturnax: waht do you want me for?

Rogue: *points at the alein space ships*

Saturnax: oh...

Ben The Werehog

ben: *gets takein away by a ailen*

Light the Hedgehog

Saturnax: shouldn't we save him?

Rogue: no, he usualy finds his way out of things.

Neptune: that's what you think! the alein space ships are so complex that nobody can find there way out of them!

Ben The Werehog

gold wolf ben: *destorys the space ships*

Light the Hedgehog


jeexx:...BOOORIIINNNGGGG *blowing aliens up*

Ben The Werehog

gold wolf ben: *rips a alein's head off*


dark fatal:*walks to ben*...........what are you doing?

jeexx:*kicks some aliens on dark fatal*..........

Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: BOMBZ! YOU WANT THEM?! THEIR YOURS, MY FRIEND! *throws bombs at teh alien space ships*


Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: 3...2...1...*presses a button* BOOM SHAKALAKALAKA!