Metroid: Other M - DELAYED, SSBB Style

Started by shadowDOESrock, April 26, 2010, 07:13:25 AM

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Well, this kinda sucks...Those of you that have been counting down the seconds until the release of Metroid: Other M will be disappointed to learn that the game, originally scheduled for a release this June, will now be pushed back two months and release August 31, 2010. This according to Kotaku who reached out to the Big N and got the following response on the matter:

"The launch date for Metroid: Other M has shifted to Aug. 31. As you may know, this game is the product of a unique partnership between longtime Metroid producer Yoshio Sakamoto, Team Ninja and many other individuals and groups, all of whom have set very high standards for this latest installment in the series. Although it's taking slightly longer than expected to complete the project, we're confident that fans will find it to be well worth the wait.

Video game development is a lengthy and complex process. We have always put the quality of our products first, and have historically taken the time needed to make our games meet the expectations of our fans."

So, there ya go...Let's hope that the new release date holds firm and that the game lives up to the hype...Also, it's worth pointing out that the report brought word of a three week delay to Sin & Punishment: Star Successor, which will now ship on June 27. 2010 as opposed to June 6.

So, does this hurt your hype level for either title? Does it signal any trouble regarding the development of Metroid: Other M specifically? Let us discuss what you think in a reply below.


your a bit late with this, but yeah it sucks D=

and it doesnt relly matter to me, i suppose it does ruin it a bit, but i like to play games that arent rushed.


i honestly cant wait for other m i thought samus' power got really beefed up