This is Final Fantasy Related!

Started by Hakudamashi, March 27, 2010, 02:14:56 PM

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Ok,I would just like to know your fave FF protagonist(main) and antagonist(main) from the ones you have played in descending order.And if you feel like it,give reasons

for me,its like this
Zidane(FFIX)-His overall personality and usefullness just SCREAMS badass.He's a thief and a pervert which calls for epic lawlz moments.Also he has a tail,A F*CKING TAIL!!!THATS AWESOME!!!!!

Cloud Strife(FFVII)-Cool,calm,gives lawlz when needed,and probably scores everyday of his life.Ultima Weapon=superspecialawesomeownage and his limit breaks are perty lookin.Also his VA owns :P

Squall Leonheart(FFVIII)-He'

Terra(FFVI)-Emo and annoying little b*tch,but she decided not to be one of those stereotypical anime female protagonists*coughgarnetcough* and actually DEAL with her problems like a REAL heroine would,so she has my respects.Also she's a f*cking mage which kicks ass.

Tidus(FFX)-Cool,smooth,not a hinderance,not much to say about him,but he's a cool dude.

Cecil(FFIV)-His light obsession makes me think Xeanort had the right idea >.<

Vaan(FFXII)-Seriously,wtf is wrong with this person?EVERYTHING thats what -_-.He's annoying and critically retarded to the point that the other part members just...ignore him >_>.And the f*cks up with that six-pack?

Kefka(FFVI)-The joker,hat is all

Sephiroth(FFVII)-Fear the man who swings a long-ass sword like nothing.Also,supernova=madness

Seymour(FFX)-He wanted to f*ck Yuna!Thats just evil!

Ultimecia(FFVIII)-She is KH's Malificent just more awesome

Kuja(FFIX)-Worst.....villian....ever...He dresses gay,he acts gay,he talks gay,he has a gay VA,his moves are ghey and his plans are gay.In short,he should've been female

What about you ppl?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!