How to pwn the so called epic msn script

Started by NiGHTS, March 11, 2010, 12:25:49 PM

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Tomorrow Was Yesterday says:
I challenge you!
Tomorrow Was Yesterday has challenged you to a battle! Sending 'bhelp' will display commands.
Crazier the vampire wolf  WHAT DOES BIG STICKS HAVE TO DO WITH SENSITIVITY? D: says:
*still no msn+*
Tomorrow Was Yesterday says:
Go Buttface
Tomorrow Was Yesterday sent forth BUTTFACE! 476HP, 144ATK, 182DEF, 152SPC, 122SPE, DARK type.
Crazier the vampire wolf  WHAT DOES BIG STICKS HAVE TO DO WITH SENSITIVITY? D: says:
no you
Tomorrow Was Yesterday says:
type Go "something"
Crazier the vampire wolf  WHAT DOES BIG STICKS HAVE TO DO WITH SENSITIVITY? D: says:
make me
Tomorrow Was Yesterday says:
'i challenge you' or 'ichal' starts a battle.
'go [name]' sends out a mon.
'return' calls back a mon.
'use [name]' attacks the opponent.
'heal' restores hp.
'qq' quits a match.
Leave [name] blank for a random Pokemon.
Crazier the vampire wolf  WHAT DOES BIG STICKS HAVE TO DO WITH SENSITIVITY? D: says:
Tomorrow Was Yesterday says:
Crazier the vampire wolf  WHAT DOES BIG STICKS HAVE TO DO WITH SENSITIVITY? D: says:
bite mee :3
Tomorrow Was Yesterday says:
Use Bite Nights
There is no opponent.
Crazier the vampire wolf  WHAT DOES BIG STICKS HAVE TO DO WITH SENSITIVITY? D: says:
Tomorrow Was Yesterday says:
Crazier the vampire wolf  WHAT DOES BIG STICKS HAVE TO DO WITH SENSITIVITY? D: says:
'go yourface
Tomorrow Was Yesterday says:
take the ' out
Crazier the vampire wolf  WHAT DOES BIG STICKS HAVE TO DO WITH SENSITIVITY? D: says:
no >:3
Tomorrow Was Yesterday says:
Use Burn Nights
There is no opponent.
Crazier the vampire wolf  WHAT DOES BIG STICKS HAVE TO DO WITH SENSITIVITY? D: says:
go yourface
Tomorrow Was Yesterday says:
Tomorrow Was Yesterday has quit!
Crazier the vampire wolf  WHAT DOES BIG STICKS HAVE TO DO WITH SENSITIVITY? D: says:
Tomorrow Was Yesterday says:
*closes tab*
Crazier the vampire wolf  WHAT DOES BIG STICKS HAVE TO DO WITH SENSITIVITY? D: says:
/win xD

take that kyo >:U

*also won another match against kyo and one against rendel using the same meathod*

100% no lose garauntee :3


lol, your just a little smart one arent you?
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


LOL, I don't have MSN+ either, since the Mac cant have it ;P

I auto-own it

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


..I got a feeling that I started a sort of hype with this script. xD

First try at making a sig, It's decent.