New Drawing of an old fan character...

Started by Mau, February 10, 2010, 12:55:11 PM

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Meet Strika the Cat, she's one of my oldest fan characters, and well, probably the oldest one I can remember creating because I think I made a lot of them. ^^;
Today I thought about reviving her as a character, and doing a re-write (if I ever get around to it with my busy schedule and short attention span) of an old fanfic titled "Amy Rose: Girl Power." (Yeah it's about Amy, and Strika plays an important role in the story)
I created her back when I was 14 years old, and looking back on it now, she was REALLY "sue-ish." But I'm planning on tweaking her so that she isn't so sue-ish and (hopefully) will be an interesting character.
What I think made her sue-ish the most is the fact that she was faster than Sonic, so I decided to change that.
Originally, she was a an electrical elemental feline, and the cousin of Big the cat. She was also Amy's childhood friend. She had super speed, electrical powers, and the ability to manipulate magnetism or...well even I can't understand the process but somehow she made herself capable of floating in mid air. I think I made her way too powerful, and being faster than Sonic? Yeah. That doesn't go very well with the Sonic fan community. So I am changing her into a technopath, although she'll still have some super speed capability and electrical power, but she won't be as fast or faster than Sonic. I don't think she'll know Amy this time, but I think I'll keep her as Big's cousin who leaves the city once a year to accompany him on a fishing trip and escape from the pun intended. XP Ok, maybe it WAS intended. Also, I'd imagine being wet would short circuit her powers temporarily so...there's a good weakness. (Haha, so she has to take precautions when she showers to make sure she's completely dry when she's done XP)
So anyway, I thought about having Eggman capture her and use her power somehow to get rid of that "blasted hedgehog once and for all!"
Anyway, here's what she looks like, I havn't completely decided on a color scheme. She WAS purple but...I don't think there should be too many more purple cats. XP


Wow, looks amazing. Better then I can do xD you sure love cats.

First try at making a sig, It's decent.


Thanks. And yeah I'm kind of obsessed with cats. But what can you do? They're just so furry, soft and sweet and cuddly and playful.
My biggest challenge really, is creating a fan character that isn't a cat. xx;


