There Will Be Brawl

Started by Joseppi, December 18, 2009, 06:46:06 AM

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I don't think this has been posted before. I searched and couldn't find it, so forgive if it was.

Some of you might have heard of it, but there is an online film that takes the Characters from the Super Smash Bros. games and gives them a more adult story. It's called There Will Be Brawl, and it's pretty damn awesome. Today they will be posting that last episode in just a couple of hours. So now's the chance to see the others.

The only thing I don't like about it is Sonic. He looks really bad. He is in a wheelchair, and has a really small role. (They put him in a wheelchair to symbolize how Sonic games have gone downhill over the years.)

I highly recommend it to anyone who's a fan of Super Smash Bros. or anyone who want's to see what they did with Sonic.

WARNING: Contains A Lot of Swearing.
You can watch it here! -


First try at making a sig, It's decent.


That's weird. It was the correct link, but it just wouldn't work with the BBCode. I changed it to just the link. So now it should work.

Damn, they pushed the release date for the next episode to Monday. :(


ive seen somethin like this b4 on youtube... smash bros brawl taunts i believe theres a part 1 2 and 3