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I'm bored again...

Started by jkid101094, July 06, 2010, 10:30:34 PM

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So we will now play mad libs for my amusement.


Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Roger Smith sat back in his couch, enjoying a relaxing Saturday with nothing in particular planned for the day. The mansion was quiet, with only the occasionally distracting sounds of Norman ranking in the kitchen. Just as he was beginning to doze off, the unmistakable sound of "evrything you know is wrong" forced him to sit up with a start. "Dorothy!" he called, entering the room where she sat playing, "I thought I told you that I don't like that song, it reminds me of someone I knew named Sania." Dorothy finished playing the verse she was on before stopping and turning to face Roger. "Isn't Sania that person you negotiated with who you said always talked about blue dragons?" Roger nodded. "That's the one." He paused. "You know, Dorothy, I, uh, don't know if I've told you before, but you..." "Terribly sorry to interrupt, Master Roger, but Dan Dastun is here to see you." Norman stepped into the room, wearing a[n] red skirt. Roger and Dorothy just stared for a moment before Roger finally said "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" in disbelief. Norman looked down. "Oh, dear." A few minutes later, Roger was sitting in the lounge across from Dastun, pouring him a glass of acid. "Thanks," the Military Police colonel said. "I just wanted to follow up on that person you asked me about the other day, you know, Hitler?" Roger looked up with interest. "And?" "Well, the only information we have is that Hitler has allegedly been selling illegal monkeys outside of a McDonalds in Paradigm. Why do you want to know?" Roger took a sip of his own drink. "I have my reasons." Dastun stood up. "You sure can be a/an shit sometimes." Dastun left shortly afterward, and Roger went back to relaxing on the couch. "Roger?" he heard Dorothy say several minutes later. Roger sat up. "Yes, Dorothy?" "You were going to tell me something earlier that you didn't get a chance to finish. I was wondering what you were trying to say." A slightly hated expression crossed Roger's face as he recalled their earlier conversation. "Well... I've been meaning to tell you that you can be, uh, blue sometimes." Dorothy looked at him. "You're a shit, Roger Smith."


Roger Smith sat back in his couch, enjoying a relaxing Saturday with nothing in particular planned for the day. The mansion was quiet, with only the occasionally distracting sounds of Norman sneaking in the kitchen. Just as he was beginning to doze off, the unmistakable sound of Necrophilia forced him to sit up with a start. "Dorothy!" he called, entering the room where she sat playing, "I thought I told you that I don't like that song, it reminds me of someone I knew named Lisa." Dorothy finished playing the verse she was on before stopping and turning to face Roger. "Isn't Lisa that person you negotiated with who you said always talked about flat cans?" Roger nodded. "That's the one." He paused. "You know, Dorothy, I, uh, don't know if I've told you before, but you..." "Terribly sorry to interrupt, Master Roger, but Dan Dastun is here to see you." Norman stepped into the room, wearing a[n] tangerine sock. Roger and Dorothy just stared for a moment before Roger finally said "OMFG NO WAI" in disbelief. Norman looked down. "Oh, dear." A few minutes later, Roger was sitting in the lounge across from Dastun, pouring him a glass of Mountain Dew. "Thanks," the Military Police colonel said. "I just wanted to follow up on that person you asked me about the other day, you know, <_< >_>?" Roger looked up with interest. "And?" "Well, the only information we have is that <_< >_> has allegedly been selling illegal keys outside of a K-Mart in Paradigm. Why do you want to know?" Roger took a sip of his own drink. "I have my reasons." Dastun stood up. "You sure can be a/an wanker sometimes." Dastun left shortly afterward, and Roger went back to relaxing on the couch. "Roger?" he heard Dorothy say several minutes later. Roger sat up. "Yes, Dorothy?" "You were going to tell me something earlier that you didn't get a chance to finish. I was wondering what you were trying to say." A slightly pissy expression crossed Roger's face as he recalled their earlier conversation. "Well... I've been meaning to tell you that you can be, uh, clear sometimes." Dorothy looked at him. "You're a dildo, Roger Smith."

My favorite part was the song reminding him part.
I lol'd.  xD


Quote from: Dracoslythe on May 28, 1970, 12:26:12 PM"You're a dildo, Roger Smith."
that part made me cr*p my pants


Roger Smith sat back in his couch, enjoying a relaxing Saturday with nothing in particular planned for the day. The mansion was quiet, with only the occasionally distracting sounds of Norman fucking in the kitchen. Just as he was beginning to doze off, the unmistakable sound of Single Ladies forced him to sit up with a start. "Dorothy!" he called, entering the room where she sat playing, "I thought I told you that I don't like that song, it reminds me of someone I knew named Beyonce." Dorothy finished playing the verse she was on before stopping and turning to face Roger. "Isn't Beyonce that person you negotiated with who you said always talked about men's crotches?" Roger nodded. "That's the one." He paused. "You know, Dorothy, I, uh, don't know if I've told you before, but you..." "Terribly sorry to interrupt, Master Roger, but Dan Dastun is here to see you." Norman stepped into the room, wearing a[n] red underpants. Roger and Dorothy just stared for a moment before Roger finally said "Orly?" in disbelief. Norman looked down. "Oh, dear." A few minutes later, Roger was sitting in the lounge across from Dastun, pouring him a glass of Coke. "Thanks," the Military Police colonel said. "I just wanted to follow up on that person you asked me about the other day, you know, That Guy?" Roger looked up with interest. "And?" "Well, the only information we have is that That Guy has allegedly been selling illegal cookies outside of a Dupeinsmirf's Evil Inc.  in Paradigm. Why do you want to know?" Roger took a sip of his own drink. "I have my reasons." Dastun stood up. "You sure can be a/an Justin Beiber sometimes." Dastun left shortly afterward, and Roger went back to relaxing on the couch. "Roger?" he heard Dorothy say several minutes later. Roger sat up. "Yes, Dorothy?" "You were going to tell me something earlier that you didn't get a chance to finish. I was wondering what you were trying to say." A slightly gay expression crossed Roger's face as he recalled their earlier conversation. "Well... I've been meaning to tell you that you can be, uh, blunt  sometimes." Dorothy looked at him. "You're a sex offender, Roger Smith."
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!






Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Roger Smith sat back in his couch, enjoying a relaxing Saturday with nothing in particular planned for the day. The mansion was quiet, with only the occasionally distracting sounds of Norman fucking in the kitchen. Just as he was beginning to doze off, the unmistakable sound of Single Ladies forced him to sit up with a start. "Dorothy!" he called, entering the room where she sat playing, "I thought I told you that I don't like that song, it reminds me of someone I knew named Beyonce." Dorothy finished playing the verse she was on before stopping and turning to face Roger. "Isn't Beyonce that person you negotiated with who you said always talked about men's crotches?" Roger nodded. "That's the one." He paused. "You know, Dorothy, I, uh, don't know if I've told you before, but you..." "Terribly sorry to interrupt, Master Roger, but Dan Dastun is here to see you." Norman stepped into the room, wearing a[n] red underpants. Roger and Dorothy just stared for a moment before Roger finally said "Orly?" in disbelief. Norman looked down. "Oh, dear." A few minutes later, Roger was sitting in the lounge across from Dastun, pouring him a glass of Coke. "Thanks," the Military Police colonel said. "I just wanted to follow up on that person you asked me about the other day, you know, That Guy?" Roger looked up with interest. "And?" "Well, the only information we have is that That Guy has allegedly been selling illegal cookies outside of a Dupeinsmirf's Evil Inc.  in Paradigm. Why do you want to know?" Roger took a sip of his own drink. "I have my reasons." Dastun stood up. "You sure can be a/an Justin Beiber sometimes." Dastun left shortly afterward, and Roger went back to relaxing on the couch. "Roger?" he heard Dorothy say several minutes later. Roger sat up. "Yes, Dorothy?" "You were going to tell me something earlier that you didn't get a chance to finish. I was wondering what you were trying to say." A slightly gay expression crossed Roger's face as he recalled their earlier conversation. "Well... I've been meaning to tell you that you can be, uh, blunt  sometimes." Dorothy looked at him. "You're a sex offender, Roger Smith."