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I'm such an ass :3

Started by TranceRaver83, July 28, 2010, 06:18:25 PM

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So i was playing Rush on Bad Company 2, and we were kicking ass.  Those motherfuckers weren't able to get close to our MCOM stations.  Got a 7 kill streak, and was SO FUCKING CLOSE TO GET ONE MORE KILL SO I COULD GET MY LAST COMBAT PIN AND LEVEL, but some dumbass sniper on my team used a mortar strike right where i was, and killed me, even though i killed everyone behind the shelter.  Since i hate teams where more than half the people are "snipers"  (they dont even use their other recon skills), i decided to get even with them. So i waited for the enemy tickets to reach 5, then i shot the building where the last MCOM station was, which destroyed it, and destroyed the MCOM station, thus giving the enemy team 75 tickets.  They ended up winning the round.