What is funny about your life

Started by Firendj, September 13, 2010, 09:08:07 AM

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Okay today I was sleeping and I was thinking about pranking people like throwing wet things on there head. I was thinking about something I should might do. So I was with my friends walking in the side walk and I saw someone walk past by us that same funny guy who was at my school and he was in are same age, we grab the balloon and give him a wedgie, get the stick and wack his ass and the water splatted across us. We ran and my friend stick the middle finger up his head and he come after us and trying to beat me up. His pants was chubby and it shrunk, he grab a can and trying to smack us in the head. Guest what he did. He was at the fens and the dog almost chased him and he was scared, he ran around the dump yard thinking his ass is gonna get ripped. OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL  He jump on the fens and trying to get out and when he did he bend down and his pants ripped. OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. We went home and play video games and my friend says, O **** I CANNOT WIN. I was trying to help him but his dog is trying to attack my balls, I was running trying to protect my ass, balls and my leg, and accidentally I step on the cats tail and it says MEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! the dog bark on the cat and the cat box him in the head. like this And  like this Then it stick his middle finger at the dog
and it gave him a round kick like chuck norris OLOLOLOLOL



~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~
