Haruhi Suzumiya - God Knows.... English(Official) LYRICS (CC and Description)

Started by darkyellowz, September 29, 2010, 05:14:30 AM

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Blazing on by
There's nothing more that I could do
I'm sorry that
I'll never be with you again
Even though
My heavy heart is parched with pain
I know somehow
Your sorrow's something I won't see

It's my life
I'm moving on and never going back there
The future's turned away
And leave me on the lonely rail

God knows that
I will follow you if that is what you wanted
Take me into all your darkest shadows
And you'll see that
I'm even stronger than you could know
God knows that
I am standing here and you could disappear
Slipping right over the edge of the future
If I had my way
We'd be together forever
Eternally god bless

The way you're standing there
I feel as though we're almost one again
And yet
We're miles apart in time
Beneath the pale blue moon
I see your eyes are glistening
With so much love!
It's tearing you apart to be here!

You know it
God knows that
I will follow you if that is what you wanted
Take me into all your darkest shadows
And you'll see that
I'm even stronger than you could know
God knows that
I am standing here and you could disappear
Slipping right over the edge of the future
If I had my way
We'd be together forever
Eternally god bless


Wendy Lee does an awesome job as Haruhi... but the Japanese version of this song sounds SO much better. I think it's because they had to make the English lyrics match up with the lip flap in this scene that was obviously animated exactly how the character's mouth would move when singing the Japanese lyrics.

It makes me wonder how they're going to handle K-On!, which has a lot of singing. At least Christina Vee can sing. :P