stupid suicidal weapon-thing

Started by darkyellowz, December 04, 2010, 05:18:59 PM

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before you ask, this is about a game i have been playing, i have gotten really attached to it, it has a similarity to touhou, but it has 2 Super-Weapons that are programed to be girls, this game is Triggerheart Exelica, now i will get to the point of this topic now.

Every time i play Triggerheart Exelica, the only ending i get in it is where the other girl grabs the girl i am playing as and throws her out of the stashion before it blows, there is also a true ending which i cannot get, now before you judge me for crying about this, i would like to say, get a xbox 360, get gold membership, get 800 microsoft points, then download the game for yourself, now if you think those lines where offensive they weren't, i hope after reading this you will get the game on the xbox360 when you can, oh and its a arcade game so you can only download it.

Post by: Beeno Master
"Xboxlive child we all love to hate."