What do you think of cartoonetwork nowadays(if you still watch it)

Started by ChoasReaper99, June 20, 2011, 05:13:28 PM

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I personally think cartoonetwork has gone to hell in a handbasket over the years.THEY FUCKED IT ALL UP!!!
I mean for 1 thing,they put all these dumb shit new shows in(i'm not talkin about regular show or adventure time,they rule ;)
What happened to the good shit like TOONAMI!!!! FUCKING TOONAMI!!!!! OUR GENERAL SUPPLY OF KICK ASS ANIME!!! NARUTO,DBZ,BOBOBOBOBOBOBO,ZACH BELL,CODE LYOKO AND MANY MORE. Not to mention our old favorites like Billy and Mandy,Pokemon,Dexter,Powerpuff girls(shut up),Courage and alot more.I know boomerang has most of those but still.Anyway,share your thoughts.
Expert spriter at ur service :p
I also write fanfiction :p
And draw fan art :p
And hack SSBB brawl -shot-


Code Lyoko isn't anime. It's French. Not that Code Lyoko's bad, I love the show, but it's not anime. o3o

Anyway, I think it's... starting (heavy emphasis on that) to get better. Heck, it was just a year or two ago that CN was airing tons of live action crap and the only cartoons were cruddy flash-animated shlock. The channel isn't as good as it was back in the day, but at least it's bearable now.

As for Toonami's murder and CNreal, you can blame Stuart Snyder. Both of those were his doing completely. He is the guy currently in charge of CN and he has said outright that he would rather order more flash animation from Canada (Johnny Test, Total Drama, etc.) than procure broadcasting rights for anime. He was also the man responsible for cancelling Naruto a few weeks after he killed Toonami. This proved how much of an idiot he was. Naruto was their highest rated show on the entire network. More people were watching that than anything else on CN. And he cancelled it so that it wouldn't interfere with his plans to "renovate" the network. The other executives actually told him NOT to go through with CNreal. They told him it would not go over well and that they would lose advertisers. And guess what? CNreal was cancelled within a year along with all but two of the shows that were on it. Oh, and they lost a ton of advertisers. That's why they rebranded again recently and are focusing more on their new, original animated series like Regular Show, The Looney Tunes Show, and Adventure Time.


I liked the old Cartoon Network, ever since all of the good crap was cut out I don't even bother anymore. I just find The Regular Show online or elsewhere. Getting rid of Toonami was one of the stupidest things that they could have possibly done.
'Nuff said.


Back in the old days that when it was good but its ok now but not as good ass the old days