What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?

Started by nazo unleashed, August 07, 2011, 11:39:16 AM

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nazo unleashed

What is it?

For me it's anything in 2011 and late 2010. It's all downhill from here.


I personally think that my best thing yet has to come...

But for now, it's that I manned up and danced with the girl I liked 2 years ago on this 'prom' night. I was known as the boy that was veeerryyy shy, until that very day. My lifed pretty much changed after that.

...On the other side... I wanted to ask her out on monday when we have school, the 'prom' was on a friday night, but she wasn't at school. I asked everyone where she was and a friend of mine told me that she was moving far away... there went my week/month. She wasn't at school the remaining 3 school weeks I had before summer break.

At the very last day, I was playing football with my friends outside in front of my school, and she suddenly came out of the building. It was quite... I didn't know what to feel, what to say, I was basically ... shocked. My friends said goodbye to her as she slowly walked away with her mother. I kept staring at her...  When she was about to turn around the corner, she turned around, looked at me and winked at me. She then continued walking and she was gone.

I must admit that I've shed a little tear after that. The reason that I stopped being the 'loner, shy' type all my life long.

EDIT: When school started again, I heard from her girlfriend that she also liked me back then, when she was still on the same school as I was. That felt really bad... damn, it hurts thinking back about these things.

First try at making a sig, It's decent.