Bad movies based on video games.

Started by TailsForever, March 14, 2010, 03:40:02 PM

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I hate FF but i liked advent children xD


Quote from: Dracoslythe on May 23, 2010, 02:26:16 PM
So the other day, my friend was all like "so i herd u liek megaman"  (no really...she said that.  xD) so I said "yeah...why?"  and she emailed me this link.
Haven't watched all of it, but...
A full hour and a half SERIOUS movie.
Completely fan/amateur made.
Actually, it's good for being fan made.
that was the most epic fan-movie I saw this month, hard to belive is made by fans, thanks for posting the link here


I think no games should be made into movies, unless it is the gasmes designer that makes the movie...


thanks to u imma watch mario bros now


House Of the Dead.
This is the worst shit ever