How do dubbing companies get the voices out?

Started by shadowDOESrock, May 28, 2012, 10:28:10 AM

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Do they get a version of a movie/show w/o the voices?
If so, how do they do it in live-action movies?

I have been googling this for forever.


Don't you already have a topic asking about this?

Either way I'd assume they'd just mute the clips and reinsert the music, new voice overs, sound effects, etc. Most of the sound effects you hear in movies, such as footsteps, aren't even made by the actors anyway.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Dubbing companies have access to all of the media that the original company had, including sound effects, music, ect ect, in theory it would be as simple as opening the JP episode in vegas, cloning the background noises, and inserting the dubbing.


They typically get the final version with the original voices and a version without voices, in animation anyway. Not sure about live action.