So... has anyone played the "Hyperdimension Neptunia" series here?

Started by Tanassy, August 01, 2012, 12:40:41 PM

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Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Updated OP, also going to copy this post I made about a week ago on Playfire regarding the newest game in the series.


A few things to say about Neptune V..  I am quite enjoying it so far, despite my lack of understanding the japanese language. :P

The opening was awesome. (Not the OP, the actual 'new game' intro) A fight scene which was actually rather well animated unlike some previous games' cutscenes.

The overworld (Or I suppose it would be.. the city) is now a lot smoother to navigate, and there'splenty of places to go, it's a bit like the chirper system from number 2 except in an actual neighborhood.

Once you accept your first quest you go out to the world map which is almost the same as Mk2's, and then you enter your first dungeon...

This first thing I noticed about dungeons... you can now jump. xD

But the dungeons are no longer very claustrophobic areas, and they have multiple pathways and lots of little details and items laying around, and all the ememies respawn quicker as well, giving a lively feel. (It was a forest unsurprisingly.. har har)

The battle system is the same-ish as mk2, but it felt more fast-paced, and the characters talked as they were fighting, making battle seem lively, and the combos felt great to do.

Another thing I noticed is that the animations were smoother and even though the graphics were even prettier than previous games, the framerate was absolutely stable (even in 1080p, which this game runs at.. the previous games suffered some 'lag')

The visual novel cutscenes have been improved slightly too, with the characters, despite being 2D images, being not static, but rather they are actually animated.. their mouths move when they talk and the even move their head and make breathing motions with their bodies. The 3D style of the previous game was a bit bleh to look at.

Also, load times are top-notch thanks to their being an install feature, which the previous games were lacking (along with most games)

The load times are practically instant.

There's a lot more, but I only played through the first dungeon, messed with a few combos and tried to get a feel for navigation since I couldn't understand the menus.