Pokemon Timeline Theory

Started by jkid101094, September 16, 2012, 11:03:36 PM

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I know I'm pathetic for having nothing better to do with my life but hear me out here, I think I've figured something out.

I'm really tired right now so I understand this might not make much sense. Either way I have Pokemon on the brain and I'm going to toss this here.

Now any Pokemon veteran would tell you that each Pokemon game is subsequent to the rest. Well, Black/White and Black/White 2 may disprove that.

Theory 1: (Without counting remakes)

Diamond/Pearl/Platinum > Black/White > Red/Blue/Yellow = Black 2/White 2 > Gold/Silver/Crystal > Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.

Confused? I bet you are. Let me explain.

When you first speak to Cynthia in her villa (in Black/White) she talks about the events of Platinum. How Lucas fought Giritina and how she wished she could have done so. I think this alone sets Platinum (along with Diamond/Pearl) behind the generation 5 games but if you aren't convinced Caitlin also talks about how she used to live with Darach in the Battle Castle (or whatever it was called) which debuted in Platinum. I think that's easy enough to figure out from there.

"But why does Black come before Red?" Well, the answer to that is actually not in Black, but Black 2. More specifically, the World Tournament. I know the WT can be considered non-cannon but, assuming it is, it's the fragile glue that holds this theory together.

Get this. In the Kanto Tournament in BW2 you have to (obviously) face the Kanto leaders. The problem with this is that, while Koga is strangely absent, Giovanni is still considered the gym leader of Viridian and that, kiddies, is where this theory gets it's foothold.

In Red when you beat Lance he tells you that Blue had come through and beaten him before you. If this is true then it is possible that Lance was the E4 champion before the events of Red/Blue. This is actually somewhat important because it could explain why Lance was re-promoted to champion in Gold/Silver.

In the Kanto tournament you fight Janie in Koga's stead. This would insinuate the possibility that Koga had moved up to the Elite Four. In the Champion Tourney, Blue, Lance and Red are all considered champions. Why is this?

My theory is that B2/W2 take place sometime during the 3-year gap between the color and metal games. During this time it's possible that:

A ). Because of Lance's recent defeat and Blue's recent Defeat thereafter it is possible that all three of them may have been champion at some point during B2/W2.

B ). Janie has taken Koga's place, this may mean Koga had left to rejoin the E4 during this time. Remember, the Elite Four broke up in Fire Red/Leaf Green. It's possible that either this part is canon and Red bringing them back together isn't or that Lorelei and Agitha left on their own terms afterward Red/Blue.

C ). It is possible that when Red beat Blue and was promoted to Champion that everyone was moved down a rank which would result in Lorelei being booted off. It's possible that Agitha either died or left witch Lorelei, which would explain Koga and Will moving in after Red and Blue left.

D ). Giovanni had disbanded Team Rocket but had not gone into hiding. As opposed to Red his loss during the World Tournament may have been what drove him into hiding.

From the above information it can be theorized that Lorelei was knocked off when Red became champion. Agatha either left or died, prompting Koga to move in. Since champions had switched so fast it is possible that Red, Blue and Lance were all invited to the WT, as well as to give the contest an even 8 contenders.

After his defeat at the WT Red left to move to Mt. Silver, promoting Blue back to the Elite 4 Champion. Giovanni went into hiding as well after his defeat and Blue took his place as the leader of Viridian after deciding that being champion was too big of a responsibility or after being defeated by Lance who moved up. Koga, who had taken Agitha's place as the second member of the Elite 4 moved up during this time to being the third member. Bruno likewise having been first moved up to second again and Will and Karen joined to fill the empty slots.

...I have a few more theories but this is the one I believe to be true. I'm also too lazy and tired to type the other ones so I'll get back to you on this...eventually...I'm totally not going to.

Post Merge: September 17, 2012, 05:12:41 AM

It is also possible that Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald come before Diamond/Pearl in that theory, as a Devon Corp. worker states that he is working on a device to see the dreams of Pokemon but that it isn't going well. It is possibly that Fennel used Munna to either perfect this or that the Deven Corp worked made his device for competition's sake.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o